Chapter Two : Getting handsy.

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My neck hairs spring up as his breath hits them. I don't recognize the voice but I have a pretty good idea of who it is. I turn around and look at him with a bored expression on my face, I am not about to let him intimidate me so his ego can grow even bigger.

"Based on your eye-rolling earlier I didn't quite know if you knew who I was," He says and looks down at me. He is tall and I understand why people call him intimidating but my pride doesn't let me break. I'm never showing my weak side to anyone but Yasmin or Sophie.

"I know you're name and your reputation, but I am incredibly uninterested in anything that concerns you," I say. I have to look up to see him.

I don't like him one bit. He ruins people's lives and kills people like it's normal. And let's not forget the ego this man has, I intend to stomp on it a little. Besides that, I have seen stuff in the news about him and his ex-girlfriend.

"Good comeback, I'll give you that," He says. "I don't even know your name yet."

"Good, because it's none of your fucking business," I snap at him. I know I sound like a bitch but I truly despise him. He's used to getting his way, but not with me and I intend to let him realize that.

"You have a temper. I love it," He says and smirks.

"Good for you," I say. He needs to realize I'm not going to melt in his arms as most girls do. Guys like him are used to girls melting in their arms. Besides, he doesn't stand a chance at all. I don't like him, he's arrogant, a jerk, and from what I've heard, aggressive in a bad way.

"Don't be rude," Yasmin hisses.

"I'm not being rude, I'm being honest" I just say bored not caring whether he hears it or not. He raises his eyebrow, clearly being intrigued.

"Sorry, she is just a bit blunt," Yasmin apologizes.

"Don't apologize. I like it," He says followed with a low chuckle while looking at her shortly before looking back at me. I roll my eyes at his comment. Probably the most cringy thing I've ever heard in my life.

"This is the second time you've rolled your eyes at me. I strongly advise you to think before you do it again," He says and sounds a bit more strict now but I really don't care. I'm not scared of him.

"What are going to do about it? Punish me?" I mock him. He likes dominating girls in bed, punishing them if they're being bratty. At least that's what Yasmin keeps telling me. She likes to fill me in with all of this information about him to make me like him more but it's not going to happen.

"Okay, this is my sign to leave," Yasmin says and awkwardly walks away from us.

"I might have to with that attitude of yours. Remember who you're talking to princess," He says now serious once we're alone. His eyes look dark in the dimmed lighting and I'd lie if I said I didn't feel intimidated, I'm just not letting it known that I am.

"Shiver me timbers," I roll my eyes. I now walk towards the bar and order drinks for me and Yasmin.

"I can't believe that you just talked to Dante like that. Girl, what do you have balls of steel hanging between your legs or something?" She says and I chuckle.

"He just needs to be humbled down," I say.

We sip on our drinks and just look around, these drinks are very strong so I take it slow. It's a really nice club actually. Not too big, but it looks really nice. You can overlook the ring where the fights happen too. Surprisingly the night isn't that bad.

Xavier now comes towards us and whispers something in Yasmin's ear. I notice that her face turns red and she shuts her legs immediately. I chuckle and keep looking around, stalking people.

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