Chapter twelve : Situationship.

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I knock on Yasmin's door and Xavier opens up. I smile and he just lets me in.

"Hey, pretty lady," Yasmin says happily. I just force a smile.

"What did Dante do now?" She sighs. How can she already know that Dante did something?

"We made up, but then he humiliated me so I'm mad at him again," I tell her. I'm not going to tell her every detail. I sit on a bar chair against her kitchen island. I don't even know what we are, I mean I am not really a fan of labels but I have to admit, this is confusing. I can't care about him but he likes it when I get jealous. I know he got turned on when I got upset back at his house. I don't know what to do right now. I don't wanna ask what we are because then I'll look stupid but I can't continue this.

She sighs and asks "What are you guys? Because you act like your dating but you're not. Neither are you friends with benefits, right?"

I shake my head and rub my hand on my forehead, I sigh deeply.

"I don't know but you know what? It's fine we're just friends I guess," I try to sound confident but I sound more insecure by the second. She gives me an empathetic smile.

I've spent the rest of my day here. It's now 12 a.m. on a Friday night and we're inside. So freaking boring. We're both 21-year-olds acting like we're 40. I haven't been out in a while, I mean I could use some drinks and some time away from all of this.

"Let's go out," I say and get up. I pull her up and I run to her bedroom and pick out two dresses. A black one for me and a red one for her, it'll look good with her blond hair. She looks at me and laughs.

"Alright, let's go," She says and shrugs.

"Wait, don't you have work tomorrow?"

I shake my head "I'm doing the evening shift," I tell her and she nods understanding.


We enter club Blue and it's packed. I mean duh it's about 1:30 a.m. right now. We head over to the bar and order some shots and drinks. We each take a shot and cheer, the strong alcohol burns in my throat causing me to make a cringed expression. After a couple of shots, I feel drunk. I feel less stressed and I get up to dance. I take Yasmin with me and we start dancing on the dance floor. I feel bussing in my purse and when I see who it is I see it's Dante along with 5 missed calls and a bunch of texts. I roll my eyes and put my phone back. We keep dancing and now Yasmin is the one to get a call.

"Hi baby...yea we're still in club Blue why?...okay," She says and hangs up. I look at her confused and she lifts up her shoulder shortly not knowing what's going on either.

We dance a little more and keep drinking. I feel really drunk right now, I don't even think about boundaries right now, deep down I know it's to get revenge on Dante. He wants to act like we're together one time and the other I'm too much. Fuck it then. I'm single so I'm going to act single. I feel hands on my hips and someone grinding against me along with the music. I turn around and smirk. He's not ugly, I put my hands around his neck and we start dancing. His hand slide over my butt and his face gets closer to mine. Just when he is about to kiss me someone punches him in the face. I gasp and slightly jump up, when I see to look who it is my face turns angry.

Dante, of course it's him.

"What is wrong with you, psychopath!" I say with a raised voice.

He glares at me for a second before the guy I danced with earlier gets up and swings at Dante obviously not knowing the boxing experience he has. He hasn't had a competition in a while and holds a lot of anger. Dante now ducks to avoid the swing. He punches him again and the guy falls on the floor. Dante now gets on top of him and keeps on hitting. I'm not going to stop him either but instead, I just call security before he kills him, because I know he would. It's kind of hot...

Security now escorts him out. I look at Yasmin and sigh deeply. I guess I should go since I kind of caused this...

I walk out of the club annoyed and bored already. I wanted to keep dancing and drinking and make bad decisions, all of that is ruined now.

I see Dante leaning against the wall next to the exit door. I just keep walking.

"What were you thinking, dancing with that guy like that?" He now says and I turn around. It's funny how he thinks he can act like this right now.

"What's wrong? It's not like I'm anyone's fucking wife right?" I mock his words. Call me childish but he had that coming.

"Maya don't be a fucking baby about that, you're drunk. You know I didn't mean it" He says annoyed.

"I don't care whether you meant it or not. You're being an asshole. You like it when I get jealous, but you get mad when I want to hear from you. Then you tell me I'm not your wife and when I act like I'm not your wife you punch the guy I'm dancing with" I tell him and he doesn't say anything but just looks at me angrily.

I wait for him to say something, anything. For him to tell me that he cares about me and that he doesn't like it when I dance with other guys. I want him to communicate for once! But he doesn't. He never does. He told me that if someone hurts me it makes him mad but he's the one who hurts me by sending mixed signals. Whatever, it's fine.

"Whatever, I'm going to check on that guy and make sure he's okay," I say and walk back but he grabs my hand and spins me around, back towards him. I look at him and I sigh. I can tell he's fighting with himself mentally right now but I don't have time for that. I pull my hand away from him.

"J-just give me time. I don't know what the fuck you're doing to me okay?" He says and now I look at him confused.

"I'm not doing anything, mister," I tell him in a British accent as I'm still drunk. For some reason, I always turn British when I'm drunk...

"Yes, you are. You're making me feel relaxed and not on edge all the time, you make me feel stuff I haven't felt in a long time so quit it," He says annoyed. I can't help but chuckle a little bit and now he looks at me confused.

"It's called being happy," I tell him.

"No, it's annoying. Stop doing it," He says which makes me laugh.

"I can't control your happiness silly man," I say and a hiccup slips out. I'm going to be so hungover tomorrow.

He just sighs deeply annoyed and looks at me.

"I'll talk to you in a couple of days Dante, have a great day," I tell him even though it's nighttime. He sighs.

"You're still mad. I am really sorry Maya I know I shouldn't have talked to you like that in Lacoste. I care about you and I realized how much, when I got scared that Xavier ratted me out, so I tried to shut you out" He says.

"I'm still mad, yes. But I won't be once you tell me what you told Xavier"

"Maya that is not fair," He says.

"I guess we both don't play fair" I mock the words that he said a couple of weeks ago.

"No, you're manipulating your way into knowing what he said," He calls me out. He is right, I am. I hate it that he can tell.

I sigh "Fine, but seriously though. I'm busy this weekend," I tell him.

"Busy doing what?" He asks me. I smirk.

"None of your business," I tell him. He always wants to know everything, now he can't.

"You just wait Maya," He smirks threateningly.

"Patiently darling, I'll wait patiently," I smirk right back and look up at him. He chuckles low and gives me a kiss on my forehead and then he gets in his car and leaves.


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