Chapter twenty four: Your words hurt more.

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I turn around and he looks at me with his jaw clenched.

"I'm sorry..." I try.

"Did I give you permission?" He asks and I look down a bit and shake my head, its clear that he is mad. He lifts up my chin.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't control it," I apologize as I know he's mad about this. He sighs and I hear Xavier introducing Dante's opponent.

"We'll deal with this later. Just sit in the V.I.P," He says shortly and I know better than to argue with him about this so I just listen and walk out of the room.

I sit in the V.I.P section with Hailey who was waiting for me here. I look at her shortly before looking back in the ring. I see Dante's opponent standing in the ring. There is no way he's going to win, Dante is way stronger than him and by the looks of his opponent, he's really nervous.

Dante gets introduced and I see him walk in with a cold angry look on his face. Not very different than before. I see him get into the ring and shortly after the fight begins. Why is he so angry about this? I know I disobeyed him but I do it all the time and he's never gotten this cold or angry before. I wonder what is going on, maybe it's something more than what happened earlier.

Dante punches him across the face and the guy struggles to get back into position. I smile and the crowd claps for Dante. Only Dante doesn't give the guy time to get back into position. He swings again repeatedly until the guy falls on the floor. Dante crawls on top of him and keeps hitting him. Now security comes in the ring and forces Dante to get out of the ring. The fight is canceled and no winner is being picked. People are mad and confused. Dante throws out his mouthguard and I look at Xavier wondering what to do.

"Go see what is wrong with him," He says and I nod. I think it's best if I ask him what is wrong because he is acting so weird. I walk out of the V.I.P spot and ignore all the people looking at me. News is going to travel fast and people are going to suspect stuff but I don't care. I need to see what his problem is.

"What is your problem?"I ask Dante annoyed when I finally find him. He's outside sitting on a bench in a dark alley. He now looks at me with rage.

"You don't get to speak right now, Maya," He says angrily. Is this because I came without permission?

"Is this because of earlier?" I ask him. How could he possibly get so angry over that? That is weird. I've disobeyed him before, even worse than this and he didn't get this angry. He now stands up and starts pacing around. I walk towards him and he stops.

"Why did you have to come into my life, Maya," He now says, his back facing me. I frown. What does he mean by that? He is not making any sense right now.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Because of you, I'm getting fucking soft. You proved it by daring to cum without permission earlier, you proved it by being able to let me allow you to see Hope. I would've never allowed you to see Hope months ago, I like being in control you know that. You're trying to take it away from me," He says. Right now I'm totally confused. On the one hand, I understand what he is talking about because he would've never allowed me to see Hope when we first met. He was a lot more dominant then and I couldn't make him do anything unless he truly wanted to.

"It's called compromising something because you love someone," I tell him. He now walks towards me and grabs my jaw tightly and pins me against the wall hard. I bite my cheek because it hurt a little.

"You're a fucking manipulator, you're toxic and you've finally won," He hisses and I now frown. How could he say something like that to me? This doesn't sound like him at all.

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