Chapter 36

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I had hoped when I woke up Cain would be the one beside me. Instead an all too familiar sight of Apollo was what I found as I pushed up on my elbows and looked at him a little better. The soft golden glow of his skin was even more obvious in the dim lighting of the room, and old habits die hard as the urge to smooth back his hair from where it had messily fallen over his eyes, had my hand slightly raised to go and do just that. Mentally cursing myself, as I looked around again only to realise we hadn't actually come back to my room like I remembered us doing after whatever that whole disaster was.

Just thinking about it made my head hurt and yet I realised the exhaustion I'd been feeling was gone. I felt normal. In fact, all of this felt normal. If the last few weeks weren't already plaguing my brain, it would be easy to think that I'd just woken up like any other day, back in our old life and for a second, those first thoughts on Kara, Hecate, the war, all of it, quietened down so a whole pile of new ones I'd left behind over a year ago returned.

What if I had left with him after Odin's failed attempt at taking over my home world?

Is this what our life would look like? Waking up together, here, and then what - breakfast in bed, or would we go somewhere else to eat. Maybe we'd go to town with the Others, maybe another region or even country; another realm - if only for the fact we could.

I flopped back down beside him, not even sure I could be bothered thinking about it any more. It didn't matter what could have been or what we could have done. Those thoughts had their time and it wasn't now. One thing was clear though, this bed was comfier than the one I'd been calling my own and I hated him for it. Just five more minutes of peace and quiet, a little power nap and then I'd go back to my actual reality.

"I could get used to waking up next to you. Again." Apollo yawned, the wobble of movement beside me had my eyes reopening.

Well there goes that idea.

"You're doing that thing you do that annoys me." I groan, turning to face him.

My earlier thoughts not just disappeared but completely vanished as he turned to look back at me. There was nothing there, not like it used to be anyway. Even when he smiled that stupid half smile that used to make my stomach feel queasy in a good way and my brain do stupid shit - nothing happened.

"Being my irresistible, charming self?" He yawns again, watching as I sit up.

"No, breathing." I stretch, raising my arms up over my head - enjoying the feeling as every inch of me responds with no pain or difficulty. "But, thank you. For fixing me up. Again."

"I told you, Bunny. Anytime. I always have your back" Apollo yawns, stretching out across the space I'd just been laying in. "You are feeling better now?"

I look down at him, catching the worry in his tone.

"I am. Brand new." It's dark outside the window, and I get up to peek out. I'm not sure if it's dawn or sunset on the horizon. "How long was I out for, and why am I here, not in my room?"

"Um, since early last night." He gets up, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Feels longer though. I only came in to check on you a couple of hours ago, and then must have fallen asleep too. Hungry? I'm sure there'll be a dinner buffet set up somewhere we can take part in."

I shake my head, praying my stomach doesn't give me away as I realise he left out the why part to his answer.

"No, and I need to go. After whatever that all was, I want to see Cain and sort out-"

"He's gone. Just for a bit. And you're only here, because he brought you here." He rubbed his face with hands. "So relax."


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