26th April 2014

679 71 2

Dear iBob,

Let me sum up the last few days with you:

Got my ass kicked

Defeated the bad guy(well girl)

Managed to get Penny to keep her mouth shut about it all

Got the Valkyrie watching Heath who is doing SFA

Also had them looking after me while I recovered. (May or may not have involved a few glasses of mead to take the edge off and help me sleep)

Got into an argument with a mermaid trying to capture pearl divers near Broome in Western Australia.

Also managed to create some kind of ocean based world peace with the merfolk community that exists. (didn't even get dragged into some underwater trap or turned into one - count that as a big victory on my behalf)

So yeah.

That's life.

Oh plus you know, just trying to work out who the hell this 'Dark Queen' is, why people want to come and get me in her honour and more importantly, is she or is she linked to The Prophet that seems only to exist to antagonise me further? Maybe she'll pop back up now I've killed one of her friends... what ever happened to the whole idea of women supporting women and us girls sticking together?

Guess those bitches missed that memo.

Elise Bunting
(Problem Solver)

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