2nd June 2014

671 78 2

There are monsters outside. I can hear them in the wind. This cave will give us some shelter, but I am unsure for how much longer. Every inch of my body can sense them drawing closer. Something big is out there. Powerful. I've sensed it's kind before and know we are in trouble.

We're two team members down.

This storm is relentless.

The townsfolk were right to stay away. They call it a demon, a dragon; it's something. The small nomad village we came across was destroyed. I'm glad I sent in the report when I did as soon after all communications and tech stopped working.

Goring was of fae blood, able to block whatever it is up here that interrupts the signals and now he's dead. I'd only known him for a month or so. He was young, younger the majority of fae I've come across anyway. He thought it was such an honour to join the Council, work for keeping the peace of the Treaty. I will not let him be forgotten. Marcus was a Tracker that was a last minute addition to the team. I knew he didn't want to come, didn't want to be out here. I should have let him run when we got to the village.

Maybe I should have too.

I've faced dragons before. This isn't a dragon, it's something else.

What ever it is, it's angry.

I think our coming here has only made it worse.

The fire is nearly out. We don't have much left to burn. At first light we'll start moving back down the mountain, get out of here and try again. We were not prepared for any of this. I can't even get in touch with her. I know she'd come if she knew. Be like her Z. You can do it. It's not so bad. It's just cold, so fucking cold. I should have stayed at the Academy. Life isn't boring, it's something I started to take for granted. I was stupid. I won't let that happen again.

Hopefully I have that chance.

Hopefully whatever it is doesn't follow.


It's all we can do right now.


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