Chapter 27

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Alfie's head felt too hard and heavy to be on my stomach and I gently pushed him away as I moved to inspect the damage Eris had left me with. Thankfully it was longer looking like an alien had just forced its way out. Instead, only the scars from the last time I was nearly gutted now remained and from the small bowl in his hands, Apollo carefully washed what blood remained away. There were a few new red marks I knew would slowly fade, but they weren't as bad as I had expected.

"Healed." He started to smile, but stopped himself.

"Thank you." I fell backwards onto the bed, wanting to sleep. Despite being healed, it all still hurt and as my eyes closed, I forced them open and sat back up. "We have to go."

"No. Rest."

"How can I?" I groan. "Cain's out there with Loki, there's an army of these Berkin things coming-"

"Berserkers." He corrects.

"And Hermes is getting everyone here to help Ares and the other soldiers. It's not exactly time for a nap!" I stand, quickly using Alfie to steady myself. "How long have I been out?"

A new wave of anxiety washed over me, or maybe that was just general nauseousness. Either way I swallowed nervously, unsure if I was about to turn away to throw up whatever remained in my stomach.

"A few minutes maybe, ten. It would have been easier just to keep you unconscious." Apollo mumbles in that, I'm going to lecture you so bad, voice.

"Did you miss the part about the Berserkers? Cain? Loki?" I close my eyes, trying to stay calm. "That's ten minutes too long. Come on, let's go."

"May I remind you you could have just died, again, and-" Apollo starts.

"But I didn't. You saved me, again." I walk around the bed, getting more sure footed with each step and now stand in front of him. "Thank you. I'm glad you decided to come back. How did you even get here?"

"Your Magician friend put me in touch with Aion."

I nod, it wasn't as if Hermes had time right now to do it. "Well, I am happy you changed your mind and fixed me up. But I know you don't actually expect me to stay here."

He raises his chin slightly, takes a deep breath and from the look on his face I'm waiting for the argument to start. Instead he slowly lets it out, looking more defeated than anything as his shoulders slump forward and losing the bowl, he folds his arms across his chest. I was going regardless, I just hoped he would come with me.

"Be honest with me." He demanded, which wasn't quite what I was expecting.

"Always," I promise, prepared to do almost anything if it meant we could get going.

"Was I right?" He asks flatly, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watches me closely.

I swallow forcefully, knowing exactly what he is asking. I don't want to answer now. I don't want this talk. I just wanted us to be okay enough to get through whatever was next which wasn't going to happen without me answering him.

"Well, I mean, it's not-" I don't even know how or what to say, so I keep it simple. "Yes."

I close my eyes. I can feel Apollo's pain, I don't need to see it too. He sighs loudly and stands, brushing past me as he does so. Turning around, I find him staring out the window and go to his side.

"And it's mutual this time?" He asks slowly, still not looking at me.

"Apollo, please-"

"Is it?"

I look outside and the night is calm. The sky is clear and full of stars, the explosions that had rocked the castle earlier have either stopped, or aren't affecting this section. Not yet at least. It would be easy to pretend this was all there was, only I feel it calling; that need to go. Maybe the Fates were right and there is war in my blood.

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