Chapter 38

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Cain was on the floor in front of the ocean window. His hands were folded up behind his head, and the rug he was stretched out on looked soft and plush. I went over and he opened one eye.

"How did you go, find anything?"

I sat down, moving to lay beside him as my clothes changed and he rolled over slightly to face me.


His fingers run idly up and down the patch of skin on my hip, making me shiver.

"Didn't think you would. You're not the kind of girl I'd take to Rumpels."

"Oh really?" I pouted. "Then why send me along?"

"Because I wouldn't take you there, but I thought you'd like it."

"Well it was a great shop. I mean I see the appeal, and that little tester room out the back proved interesting."

"Did you beat up Apollo?" He smirked.

"I did. And Deimos, until he got the better of me." I still hadn't worked out what had happened exactly. "He's interesting isn't he?"

"I suppose?"

"Apollo was helping me try to find a new sword. Kara didn't catch on which was good, she was busy with Deimos and Art. I'm glad they're getting along now too."

"Did Apollo show you all the shiny things? Try to impress you with the gnomes?"

"He didn't have to try. I was impressed from the second we arrived to when we stepped outside."

"Sure you were." He let out a tiny chuckle, right as he moved to position himself over me. "I mean I get it. Swords, sparkly things, throw in pizza and I'm sure he may have stood a chance of wooing you back to the light side."

"There had already been pizza. Maybe I'm just a simple girl who isn't so easily dazzled."

"You, Miss Bunting, are anything but simple."

His kiss was light, gentle and almost cautious.


"Yes, Elise?"

"Are there others, like Lisa? Lydi- Lyssa?"

"There was one other. Apate, Goddess of Deception."


"I killed her too." He admitted. There was something in his tone though, not remorse or guilt, something else I couldn't pick.

"Why didn't you take me with you?"

He hesitated and got up. "You needed time to rebuild your strength."

"I had already healed."

"And it was dangerous. I wasn't going to put you at risk, and we didn't know what we would be walking into. She wanted you dead."

"Oh, right. So, you and Kara can go into the unknown, but not me? I am more than capable of looking after myself, no matter what I walk into. Going to start telling me what to do every five minutes now as well?"

"I know what you're capable of." He huffed, the air feeling cold as he got up, and I pushed up to stand as he did. "I'm not going to tell you what you can or can not do, mostly because that never ends well for anyone. That wasn't why I kept you out of it."

His hands were curled into fists at this side as he kept some space between us. I didn't know why he was suddenly so intense, and it confirmed the reason why he was so quick to send me off with the others was to avoid this very conversation we'd started.

"Then why?" I asked, not backing down.

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