8th April 2014

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Date: 8th April 2014
Current Location: Paris!
Time: 4:10pm

Injuries: N/A
Current Case: Werewolf in Paris XXI

Can you believe it's been nearly a year since Colton I met and had our amazing first date. I owe so much to Elise and her dramaific life. What if I never got on that flight? Would we still have met? Our charts match up so well, I feel that it had to be destiny.

I love him.

It's the greatest year I've ever had, even considering all the crazy, because of him.

Anyway, apparently there's some werewolves in Paris causing a few issues. Yeah, like we've never heard that one before. Colton took the case so of course I did too.  My star sign said to be prepared for the unexpected as there is more than meets the eye and by the upcoming full moon, I could be experiencing communication issues with the ones I love. I wish I had Elises; and of course her horoscope beats mine!

I might book a couples massage for us tomorrow...... I'll check to see if our hotel has a day spa.

Is it wrong to celebrate our one year anniversary for like, the whole month?

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