Chapter 5

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My arm tingles with pins and needles, slowly coming back to life as the numbness leaves my fingers. I try not to gag at the furry feeling in my mouth, and forcing my eyes open, the dark doesn't give a lot away as to where I am; I just know it's not my bed. It doesn't feel like mine, plus there's a distinctive male, sweat covered in expensive aftershave smell that hasn't been around for a long time now. That makes me sit up, only every muscle in my shoulders, neck and face protest, so with a groan I stay put on the pillow.

My throat burns as I think above moving again, forcing me to reach out into the empty space beside the bed for something just in case-

"Here." Eric shouts, making me feel even worse, yet the bucket, or bowl; whatever it is makes it to my hand just in time for me to throw up into it. "Well, you're super fun to wake up next to."

"Stop. Yelling." I mumble, heaving again.

"I'm not." He protests, and opening my eyes, there's light now and I'm in his room.

Did we-

"Oh gods, please tell me we-" I gag again, with nothing coming out now.

"We didn't. Relax." I do, instantly flopping back onto the bed with my head pounding in time to my heart. "Someone decided she could drink mead if she wanted to. Remember?"


I didn't remember much about anything right now. "And I ended up here?"

"You're welcome. You were so out of it you couldn't even use your powers to get away, which after pissing off three werewolves, wasn't the greatest idea." He scolded.

"Thank you." I sigh, daring to rub my temples.

"You're welcome. Now, there's water on the table, and some pain killers. Just shout if you need anything and try not to throw up in the bed."

"I'll try." I promise, forcing myself to find the water as the room goes dark again.

Bits of the night return in tiny flashes as I lay back down, my hand subconsciously moving to my stomach where I had been stabbed with Artemis's arrow. Shots had come first, I'd danced with the Valkyrie, the mead had come out. Kara had something to me, I took the mead. The rest - gone.

By the time I manage to get up, take a shower and get myself something new to wear, the noise from the bar tells me it's late. My headaches gone, and I feel normal again. Hungry too.

"You've arisen, Sleeping Beauty." Eric taunts as I slink to the empty end of the bar.

"Thanks for that. I needed it."

"Thought so. I did try and wake you up a couple of times, but you've got a mean left hook so I left you alone." He shrugs.

"Is Kara here?" I look around and don't see any of the usuals.

"Not yet. She and a few others left around lunch."

"Did we have a fight last night?"

"Words were said." Eric tenses, and disappears to serve for a few minutes before returning. "I'm not one to gossip."


"But, you both said some things."

"That's not helpful." I groan. "Help me out here, please?"

"She told you to take it easy on the drinks, you told her to lighten up, she told you you're acting irresponsible and what the hell was up with your little trip, you told her to mind her own business. There was a lot of he said she said stuff. I lost track because you were both acting like children."

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