Chapter 14

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Despite the car trip taking at least five hours, the boat ride across to the island feels as though it takes double that. Heath doesn't shut up now. He talks about the island, the history, his first visit. An ex-girlfriend was behind him getting sucked into all of this and when I ask about her now, he finally shuts up yet the guilt he tries to hide is obvious.

"The leader tested her loyalty after failure to remove a traitor from our intake. She failed again and they were both sent away. He can be, harsh, to some. He is just very passionate in our mission here."

"So, it's a he then?"

Heath nods, and turns his attention ahead though I'm almost positive I saw tears on his cheeks. I'm hoping it was just ocean spray.

We're soon back on land and I sense the magic here, but it's not strong in this area. Despite this, it looks like once again I've stepped back in time and I know it's not part of the illusion. This place is old, and following Heath we move about unbothered. I see no lights on inside any of these buildings and looking behind us, I start to feel very alone. Back up was nearby, I had sensed another Kasha or possibly two near the car park only they weren't here. This wasn't exactly staying off the radar and keeping my return into this time a secret. It also didn't help my growing nerves that the magic here is getting stronger, and I know we've entered into their world now.

Going into a hall, I cringe at the sight of the man on a throne. He was a Power, there was no denying it and his minions were spread out around the space, talking in small groups. Cloaks kept them hidden and as we entered, all stopped and turned to face us. There were others of our kind here, Hunters, Trackers, and more. Witches, vampires. No faces I recognized stared back at me, and as Heath approached the guy on the throne, he bowed.

"It has been some time, Hunter. Tell me, how has your mission fared?" He greeted, loud and clear for all to hear.

Purple eyes didn't leave mine.

"I have failed my, my lord." Heath started, sounding extremely apologetic. "Though, in my journey I have acquired a possible recruit. A well-renowned Hunter that comes from bloodlines stronger than even mine."

"Did you now?" The amusement was clear as he leaned forward, raising a hand and a thin trail of black smoke trailed from Heath to his leader. He moved it into his cup, swirling it around so it began to roll over the edges before he breathed it in. "My, you have been busy! Dismissed."

Instantly they all started to leave, including Heath who looked relieved more than anything, though I didn't miss the way he paused or the way he frowned as he looked at me before carrying on. One thing was for sure, he was scared of this guy and I had a feeling I was about to find out why.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked coyly, as the doors slammed behind me.

"No, he never said."

"That's because he doesn't know. None of them do, not really. They're all just sheep. Scared little sheep that do as I say. I am their leader. That is all they need to know. Their fear is nearly as appetizing as the taste of our own flesh." He sucked in his bottom lip, biting hard enough that skin turned white before he stood, slowly approaching. "I bet you taste delicious."

"Who are you?" I ask, standing my ground as he stopped barely an arms length away.

"How rude, where are my manners. Phobos. You may have heard of me? God of Fear?"

"No. I can't say I have."

He began to circle me, slow, long steps yet I didn't move, remaining focused in front of me until once again he stilled and purple eyes stared into mine. For a god of fear, he wasn't very scary. Like the majority of the Powers I'd met, he was attractive; that not of this world kind of handsome. Perfect cheekbones, tall, a solid build and from the sleeveless shirt he had on was perfectly sculpted underneath it too. There was something else though, now we were so close. More than his power. It was the danger. The darkness. It was almost as alluring as it was detering, yet the more I stood there the clearer it became it was part of his act, his charm. If ran into a spiders web, you'd expect to find the spider and he wasn't going to let you simply walk away from his trap unharmed.

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