A long, long time ago...

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The Crone walked down the narrow path, the earth softened and marked by the thousands of steps that had come before hers. Barefooted, each stride was slow, even painful at times. Crooked toes and weak knees gave off the image of a frail old lady, easy prey for the creatures that skittered alongside the path in the dark. She moved with purpose, unbothered with the lingering threats that surrounded her or of the battle that she was moving towards.

The Mother was patient behind her, unhurried in her journey. The importance of this moment had come in glimpses of visions, feelings that she could never shake. The Crone stumbled, and a gentle hand was ready to assist her, guiding her on as the trees broke and up ahead the light of fire burned to mark their destination.

The Maiden forever looked back, the noises from the dark toying with her fears. Her power matched the others, there was little she would be unable to defend herself from, yet it did little to soothe her. Why they even had to walk here was something she hadn't understood, until she felt the magic in the air as they walked out into the open, moving to stand side by side as the other woman appeared as if from the flames themselves.

"Greetings sisters," The woman called dryly as the trio stopped before her. "I should have known I could not hide from you."

"It has begun then?" Nieve's ancient voice rasped.

All four looked out to the land below them, the wind howling against the cliff face beneath their feet. The space they stood in remained untouched, even the flames didn't alter their shape as they burned.

"As it has been seen," Adala confirmed.

"Fool." Nieve croaked, spotting their leader Chronus; a king whose own days in this realm were numbered as he faced off against his creations.

"The Furies will not bow to him." The fourth mused, thinking out loud more than anything as lightning rained from the heavens to his son. "Yet their time will come to an end tonight."

Inana raised an eyebrow with interest as she took in the other woman, curious as to why she was here and not down there aiding their defence. Her power seemed to rival theirs and she was just one being, while they were three. It was the first time she'd met this woman, and that in itself terrified her. She had a reputation, and there was little in it that had made this meeting something to look forward to. It was also known she did not play by Nieve's rules or anyone else so why Nieve thought to seek her out now was unusual. Despite her reservations, somewhere, a spark of youthful defiance flared to life, and she now looked at the woman in awe.

"You see what we can not." Adala frowned. The woman snapped her head around to face them, her eyes wide and alarmed. "We see them rising up once more. If they succeed, realms will fall to their mercy."

"It does not end here?" Her face mirrored Adala's as she looked back out onto the battlefield.

"And we see that which she can not." Nieve mumbled gravely.

"You have not changed, Nieve," She smirked, the hint of fondess for the old Crone not missed by any. "Did you come with an offer or to simply watch?"

A rattle of a breath left the old woman. "We seek to combine with your power. The future is not ours to see, which makes it difficult to-"

"I understand." The woman met Inana's gaze, the intensity causing the younger girl to step back towards Adala and take her waiting hand. 

She was as wild as Nieve had warned, with her mass of dark curls surrounding a delicate face like the mane of a lion. The woman was beautiful, and not just in her appearance. There was a glow surronding her, one that she had almost missed and piece by piece Inana's fear of the unknown fell away. New thoughts replaced them, inspired just by a glance that this female had given her. The urge to to rebel against all she knew to know terrified and excited her, and if sensing the cyclone of emotions in the Maiden, Adala gave her hand a squeeze, bringing her back into the moment.

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