Chapter 16

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With a strange sense of deja vu, I rolled over and found myself beside Eric. He snored softly, looking completely at ease with the world; one hand lazily stretched over his chest, while his other held a bottle of water. Slowly rolling into a sitting position, I managed to get it from his grasp and took a sip. It was still cold.

"I wanted that."

"Ssh, sleep. This is all a dream." I whisper, having another sip.

"If it was, it wouldn't be you in bed with me," he groaned, reaching out to snatch it back. "Sleep well?"

"I did, actually."

"Thanks for taking my bed too. Imagine my surprise when I finish for the night, exhausted, overworked, underpaid, and find all of that spread out like a starfish." He waved a hand in my direction. "You're just lucky I'm such a gentleman."

"I'd expect nothing less though-" I pause as I see the bedside clock. "How long was I out for?"

"About eighteen hours."

"Shit!" I run out into the bar where a small crowd is already gathering.

I hadn't planned on sleeping that long at all, but the bath had left me feeling completely chill and, well, here I am. Heading towards the back where Kara's room was, she's sitting in her chair in their private area, eating a burger while Artemis idly picks at a bowl of chips beside her while looking at something on an iPad. My iPad.

Artemis looked up at me and instantly blushes.

"It's been a while, lots of Kardashians for me to catch up on." She smirks. "I also notice you've changed your password."

"Yeah, it's a regular occurrence thanks to snoops like you," I smile at her. "I'm so glad you're here."

She gets up and hugs me tight, the feeling clearly mutual.

"I'll give you guys a minute," Kara gets up, taking her food with her so it's just the two of us.

"What the hell has been going on?" I ask as soon as we part. "I knew you couldn't have been killed, yet this um, Seer I know, saw you being attacked. He thought you'd died, and I met this genie who said she had helped you both and, I've been so worried."

Instantly I feel my chest tighten, the fear and image Matt had painted so clear and real, if she wasn't before me now, it would be so easy to believe it had been fact. She pats my arm, and we sit on the lounge, yet as she nods that fear of losing my friend returns.

"I don't even know where to begin," Artemis sighed. "How about you start, how are you?"

"Good. Great even. Do you know Eris?" I ask, watching her body tense and her face pale.

"Why and how do you even know her name?" Artemis finally asked after a minute.

"She has been calling herself the Prophet and finding idiots here to join her little doomsday cult with the sole mission to kill me." I shrug. "I'm looking forward to crossing paths with her again."

"Last time you faced her, I'm pretty sure I had to save you in this very room." Apollo limps out from Kara's room, still underweight and sick looking, but also much more himself than earlier. "After all this time, you still want to get involved in a war that isn't yours."

Muz had performed a miracle.

Shame he hadn't fixed that attitude too.

Artemis was up and fussing with more enthusiasm and care than I could muster in that moment. She helped him into the spot beside me where she had been sitting, instantly producing water and a small platter of fruits, cheese and meat.

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