Chapter 32

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Cain yawned, slowly stretching as he began to wake up. He didn't seem to be in any hurry, lazily opening one eye which landed on me instantly. Ever so slightly his whole body shifted onto one side and he let out a deep sigh as he settled back into the pillow.

The nearest corner of the blanket lifted, and leaving my place by the water I got the message and scooted back in beside him. An arm went over my waist, pulling me even closer until there wasn't an inch of space between us. His hand followed the downwards curve of my back, sending a new rush of goosebumps over my skin. Cain narrowly opened his eyes and then did something I wasn't expecting; he smiled.

I did too. "Hi."

"Hey." He rubbed his face, falling onto his back before freezing. "I didn't imagine last night, did I?"

"No, it happened." I confirmed.

His chest swelled before he let out a long sigh. The tension that had started to creep back into his body disappeared as he felt loose and relaxed once more. Cain looked towards the water, then tilted his head to look down at where I was snuggled in against his side.

A kiss on the forehead.

The tip of my nose.

I reached up to meet him, and our lips lingered apart for the briefest of moments before being reunited. There was a distance between us that hadn't been there last night making me wonder if he really was having doubts over the reality of the situation. Every move and touch was slow, gentle and tentative. I deepened the kiss, eager to feel the connection that had existed previously. My leg slid over his, my body following as I repositioned myself. His muscles tensed below me, the first, weak attempt to alter the new arrangement failing which had him biting my lip in response which only added to the thrill.

That spark reignited, clearing any doubt or uncertainty that appeared.

Sitting up, I admired the view, enjoying that glint in his eye that promised mischief. I took my time, enjoying the feel of his perfectly sculpted form beneath me. I kissed each scar that marked his skin, feeling the blush on my cheeks as the intensity in his gaze increased. He watched silently, seemingly unaffected yet his breathing was becoming more shallow. I kept eye contact and boldy moved down - my intentions clear.

Anticipation grew.

"How much longer do we have?" He asked, his voice like gravel.

"I should have gone already. It's got to be nearly midday." I admit.

"Really?" That surprised him as he leant up on his elbows.

Didn't he believe anything I had to say today?

"Honestly. I'm only still here as I didn't want to leave before you woke up." Considering my current situation, maybe that would have been a smarter idea. I wasn't planning on leaving at all now.  "I had a feeling you needed the rest. You look so peaceful when you sleep."

"Thank you." I barely blinked before he was now above me. Roles reversed, he looked down and smirked, much too pleased with himself. "I can't even remember the last time I slept for so long or looked peaceful."

I put my hands on either side of his face, and ran my thumbs above his eyebrows as if to smooth out the worry lines that were normally seen there.

"That's better." I smiled, before pulling him back down towards me as his hips settled between the curve of mine.

My hands roamed; tickling the back of his neck, curling a finger through his hair, digging into his shoulders as I threatened to completely fall apart. The connection and intensity from last night was back, only different. Slower, deeper, more purposeful. I savoured every moment, knowing despite my current unwillingness to leave, I was going to have too soon. We both knew it and stayed wrapped up together for as long we could manage.

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