Chapter 31

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Hades freezes, and as Cain stands next to him, he suddenly reaches out and gives him a hug; possibly the most affection I've ever seen him give anyone. It even seems to confuse Cain too as he just stands there in shock.

"I'm not sure whether I want to laugh or cry," Hades confesses.

"Both good options since neither involves yelling at me," I add.

"Or I can yell at both of you," Hades snaps back to it, the moment over and the shouting continues. "What were you thinking? Oh, I know - you weren't."

"The only way it was going to end, as if that happened," I argue.

"There would have been another way!" Hades continues.

"You know it makes sense," Cain answered rather casually. "Even you yourself claimed it to be so."

Hades said nothing, just threw his hands up as if he now wanted to strangle Cain and then went to sit as if on thin air right as another chair appeared. This one was similar to the throne I sat on only the skulls and other little details made it clear where it came from. First unofficial royal business meeting?

"Once they know you are alive," Hades shrugged, looking a sulking teen on his throne. "It will all be for nothing."

"I am content to be a ghost," Cain assured him before turning his attention my way. "You're okay?"

"Sparkle, sparkle." I shrug. He winked before sitting down beside me. "So, anyone has any ideas on what to do now?"

"This is your mess, you clean it up." Hades huffed, suddenly going quiet.

"So much for teamwork." I pouted.

"Think of it as your first royal duty." Apparently the King of the Underworld had a sense of humour. "Though I will admit, I did expect you to be sitting at her side when her time came to wear the crown."

Hades is King of the Underworld. King. The idea comes instantly as both Cain and I seem happy to ignore the last part of what he said.

"Have you ever thought about ruling over both domains Hades?" I ask.

"What?" They both say in unison, neither hiding their surprise at my question; though the death glare, Cain sent his sibling had me wondering if it was for different reasons.

I stood up. "I don't actually want to be Queen and-"

"You should have thought about that before you killed the reigning King. It's a pretty simple outcome when you think about it!" Hades snapped.

"Why wouldn't you want to be Queen?" Cain asked instead.

"I didn't think of the full repercussions because I was trying to save your life, our lives, and get us out of the shit we were in. I mean, in different circumstances, in a different time, a part of me kind of is like, okay, let's do this, but I have to go home. I can't stay here. I have my family, my friends, Penny's wedding, the Treaty. Hades, you're already a King. Just, add this place to your assets and we're all set."

"It doesn't work that way. Plus, in case you missed it, the Others are expecting their God Killer Queen's ass to be sitting on that throne!" He shouted now.

"Take that as a no then," I mumbled.

"He does have a point." Cain mused. "They've always wanted you. I know this isn't how you saw it ending when it started and until we figure everything out, I don't know what choice you have except to stick with it until that time."

"So, not even maybe Artemis?" I threw it out there just in case; it wasn't like he could get even more pissed off than he already was.

"They don't particularly like us at the best of times, we're tolerated because without our presence and leadership, the Others risk to lose everything." Hades sighed. "You're technically one of us, but not. It won't work, and as he said, they always wanted you."

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