5 April 2014

710 84 6


When you day starts at 8AM (after going to bed at 6AM) due to your cousin phoning repeatedly to complain about one of your friends, going back to bed and staying there seems like the most logical solution to avoid having a bad day... Unless your no longer favorite brother decides to then come in to complain about that same cousin to you.

I don't know how she does it, but Bunting has once again got under the skin of one of the guys in my family.

I'm waiting for Tom to call.

I know he will.

Heath is on a rampage. Too bad he has no friends with the three of us, and he's a few years too late as even Tom is on her side these days.

Shame you can't choose your family in the same way you choose your friends.

Anyway, last nights stake out was a success. The demon we were investigating gave us the goods in the form of an underground lair, vampire minions and a stash of victims too. Nigel took the lead and despite the creature nearly escaping, we managed to get him contained and handed over to the Council for processing. The light fae took the civilians for assessment and hopefully a happy ending all around.

I am so tired.

Three days we worked endlessly on this case. I can't even be bothered writing up a full report. Hopefully Nigel has it covered and I copy his notes.

Why is Heath calling me again, I need to work out how to block numbers.


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