Chapter 23

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I stood between Artemis and Aflie, watching as Aion opened the final portal. Everyone else was already through. Deimos went with Kara and the others to see what they could do with the Valkyrie; those not with them were taken to the agreed-upon locations to wait for further orders. Ailin appeared with three other Kasha demons, her eyes were bloodshot and the dark circles around her eyes unmissable.

"Sakura, Haya and Mei will come with you." She told us, each other women bowing slightly.

"That isn't necessary Ailin,"

"It isn't up for discussion." Ailin hesitated. "Good luck."

She was gone and looking at the three, I got an idea.

"You will go see Genzo of the Oni, tell him I have arrived and to ready his soldiers. He is to wait for further instruction, there will be Valkyrie heading his way too. He is to listen to them." I decided, getting so paper to write a few things on which I gave to them.

The trio nodded, and without a word the second Aion was done, they went through first.

"Ready?" Artemis asked.

"I guess so." Alfie nudged me while Aion kept his distance from the snake. "Thank you."

"You have done so much for me it's the least I can do."

"Apollo?" I ask Artemis, who only shrugged.

"It may be best he sits this out. They only seem to live to antagonise each other, he never took to having another sibling and little has changed."

"Well, let's go then."

Artemis pulled up her hood, offering me a tiny smile. "Not all my huntresses are disloyal, so I will remain hidden with them until, well whatever happens. Good luck Elise. Until then."

I watched her go and hesitated. I had no idea what awaited us on the other side and as Alfie nudged my shoulder, I took a deep breath as he moved to go through first, yet my feet stayed firm and I couldn't bring myself to follow. Last time I went to this world, everything changed and I knew it was all about to happen again.

"You okay?" Aion asked, coming to stand beside me.

"Ask me once it's over." I sighed, pulling up my hood. "Thanks again."

I keep my eyes closed until I sense Alfie and we both turn to see the portal close. There was no going back now. Looking around, I can see the town below us and beyond that the main region that the Powers occupied.; Olympus. Smoke choked the air, and despite the darkness of night making it hard to see, the fires that burned all over flickered as if their light was struggling to remain. The pressure weighed down on my shoulders, and wiping my eyes, it was as if I was merely looking through a clouded window unable to see clearly. The ground was crunchy and still smouldering in some parts, and the shadows of buildings dotted the space around us. I was glad the night hid what was actually here, I wasn't sure I wanted to see it.

"Hunter?" I jumped at the familiar voice, while Alfie went into defence mode; tail spikes out and he snapped forward in a warning strike. "It is you!"

"Hermes!" He carried a small light, the shadows that it cast over him only highlighting how tired he seemed to be.

"I thought I sensed a portal, it's hard to tell, I've been feeling things all night. Why are you here?" There was a hard edge to his voice, reminding me of when Mum was about to tell Jordan and I off. "You need to go before-"

"I'm going to see the King. This needs to stop."

"You're not wrong there, but he won't listen. Do you want to die?" He coughs. "This isn't the place you left behind!"

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