Chapter 22

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My cheek was throbbing as fast as my heart was beating. Something wet tickled the top of my lip and wiping my nose with the back of my hand it was smeared with blood.

"Aw princess, that hurt?" Kara mocked, twirling her sword as she raised it towards me once again. "Need a tissue?"

"Bitch." I cursed, wiping it one more time before matching her sword with my own.

Her hair and eyes were wild, a soft red coloured her cheeks and already her lip was becoming swollen and bruised where it had met my fist. She spat blood, grinning red as I charged at her again.

"It's called revenge," She smirked. "Can't face the heat without your powers, can you?"

"I was fine before I got them," I grunted, her blade slicing my shirt and grazing my skin as I just missed the full hit.

She stumbled slightly, a tiny mistake, and for calling me princess, I took the shot. My palm hit up, catching her chin and snapping her head backwards, and this time she didn't just stumble, she fell onto her back with a yelp. I pounced, tasting blood from where my nose was still bleeding and my blade was hovering above her throat as I crouched over her.

"Take it back!" I shouted at her.

"No!" She laughed, "Do you want me to say, Queen instead? Huh, Queenie? You know what they say. If the crown fits!"

Her hands are on my ankles and with a grunt of effort, she manages to pull on them enough that I lose my balance. Falling to the left, I'm quick to kick as she springs up, tripping again, but she gets hold of her sword. On the floor, we spin around in the dirt and the clang of metal on metal rings out again and again. It's dirty, brutal and neither one of us is backing down. We've covered each other in scratches and cuts, yet there is not a clear winner.

"I prefer Goddess. Amazing One will also be sufficient." I taunt. "Perhaps your-"

I'm cut off as the earth trembles and begins to crack. Bits of fire shoot up and from the smoke, hands take shape to grab onto my legs.

"What the fuck?"

Kara looks rather pleased with herself and looking around, Deimos is just to the side of our training ground, concentrating on the space in front of me. In seconds I've sent a small ball of fire his way, weakening his hold as the earthquake stopped.

"Aw, poor little valkyrie needs the big bag power to save her?" I mock, and I spot the instant Kara sees red.

She charges forward letting out a loud battle cry as she does so. "I need no one to save me."

"Tell that to him." I managed to get out between breaths, fighting her and Deimos is tough and the new slice she delivers on my arm is instantly distracting.

"I didn't ask him to do it!" She huffs as we struggle on.

"What's the deal?" I ask, barely ducking in time as she pulled out a smaller dagger to try and hit me with. "You two a thing?"

"No! I don't, date, your kind."

"What's so bad about us? Take me for example, I'm a catch, you'd be lucky to get one of my kind!" Talking, fighting and blocking Deimos proves too much and this time, she has me down and a sword at my throat. "I think he likes you."

"There is more chance of you beating me than of me and him happening." She wipes the sweat of her brow. "And let's face it, that's never going to-"

I use my powers this time, moving to stand behind her. "You were saying?"

"That is cheating," Kara screams, slowly standing and turning around.

"Got powers, may as well use them." I shrug. "I am so done with today."

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