Chapter 39

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Kara is positioned in the middle of the battlefield, golden and more beautiful than I have ever seen her. She sat on a golden throne. Queen. The living bow down to her, the dead stare back with lifeless eyes and ever so slightly I reach out to touch the canvas, expecting the blood to be real and wet only my finger comes away clean.

"I was surprised when I first saw this, scared too. I wasn't sure what it meant, or what had happened to you." Matt says from behind me. "Then the vision changed. It got dark, and was confusing as anything, but I understood."

Turning to look at him, he seems calm and any injuries from before have healed.

"Are you alright?" I ask softly, putting a hand on his arm.

He smiled and nodded. "I've been waiting for you to come back. I was starting to think you wouldn't."

"Another vision?"

"No, kind of. I left it all out." He shrugged.

"Left what out?"

"The truth." His eyes found mine, and I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Thank you for coming for me. For saving me. I know you're here now to check in, and it's okay. It's all okay."

"Forever?" I ask a little too hopefully.

"For now." He gave me a hug, and let out a big breath as he let go. "You're really something, Ellen Bradshaw."

"Who even is she?" I laughed, and while he laughed with me, it was forced and more nervous than anything.

"I thought, when you reappeared in my life that I could embrace this otherworld. I was so relieved I wasn't crazy or had a brain tumour or something,you know? I can deal with all this, but at the same time, I want to go back to how things were. Before you became real again and weren't a ghost from my dreams. The visions aren't what they were, not like before, and if anything comes through I think you should know, I'll tell you."

"So, this is goodbye again then?" I didn't blame him.

"Yeah. It is." He frowned, looking so out of place I felt anxious for him.

"I understand. Stay safe, Matt."

"You too."

I watched Matt leave the studio and glancing at the clock on the wall, groaned. I was late. Guess I wasn't the queen of efficiency afterall, and appearing in Ailin's office, she was too busy typing away at her laptop to notice me at first.

"You're here early." She greeted, not stopping what she was doing.

"I am?"

"Eleven. It's only ten." Now she stopped, slamming the screen down with a snap. "I'll take the extra time, since you hardly seem to have any for me these days."

"Please. I always have time for my favourite kitty cat." I flopped down on the lounge, wiggling slightly until the cushions were just right. "Matt just broke up with me. With us, this world."

"I'm not surprised. It's a lot for anyone to take in." She hesitated. "I'll put a guard on him, just in case."

"Thank you." My eyes close before I can stop them. "I am so fucking tired."

"Elise, what are you doing?"

"Trying not to fall asleep. Please tell me that the meeting has been cancelled." I mumble.

"When did you last sleep?"

"Um, maybe two nights ago?" Yes, that was it. I can't even try to make a joke, as despite it being a sleepover night, I had literally just slept. "We're made for this. It's fine."

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