Chapter 12

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"So you're willing to trust this stranger to do the right thing when you give him back his stick?" Landorian groaned for the millionth time.

The carriage managed to find every bump and dip in the road and why we couldn't just invite ourselves into this party rather than formally arrive was beyond me. The road began to even out, and glancing behind the curtain the mansion we were approaching was finally visible in the dark.

"You said this would be a small, casual gathering." I can't help but feel nervous.

"For this era, this is small. There are no members of the immediate royal family or their court in attendance."

"And your positive Portia will be here?"

"I believe my words were, possibly be here. I remember this party was different to the others and I knew too many vampires would be around for my liking, but that's about it."

In the three days since my visit with Aion, this was our first attempt at tracking down the Seer. It was also going to be my first taste of a party in this era, and I had no idea what to expect despite Landorians non stop chatter about the do's and don'ts.

"It's all a bit Downton Abbey isn't it?"

"No. It's not." He answers dryly. "Wrong period for started. Look, just don't talk. Stay with me. Look pretty. Oh, and breath. Don't forget to do that."

"Noted." Rolling my eyes, he shakes his head.

"I'm serious. Women should be seen and not heard."

"Yeah well men can go and-"

"Ssh, we're here." He grinned, adjusting his hat slightly.

Sure enough the doors were opened and with a bit of help, thanks to a lot of absent elegance on my behalf, we started up the stairs. I felt ridiculous in the gown I had been told to wear. It felt puffy and overdone, yet everyone we passed didn't seem to notice and some wore ones that seemed to be even worse than this. I wonder what they'd all think of jeans or leggings. Comfortable active wear. Sneakers.

"This head thing is hurting my ear."

"Fashion is pain."

Whatever story and position Landorian had established for himself seemed to be well respected by all in attendance and I wasn't immune to the envious glares being sent my way but gossiping groups of ladies. The fact we had been announced as a Lord and Lady of something probably didn't help, yet I was thankful for having his arm to latch onto to.

"Do you see her?" He whispered a short time later.

"No. I'm not even sensing her. Though she is an expert at camouflage."

"We may as well go then, there is a reason I originally declined this party." He mumbled. "Vampires aren't all that that prey on the drunk and unaware at this hour in these parts."

"That's because they haven't been introduced to a female Hunter yet."

"Nor will they be for centuries to come. Remember, you do have the power to impact the future by what you do now."

"Is that a challenge?" I teased, watching the small group of dancers that we slipped by to make our escape.

"No. A warning." Landorian huffed, and impressively our ride was waiting; yet the horses were acting spooked as the footman struggled to calm them. "We may be too late."

"I don't sense anything."

"You don't have to be able to. Look for the signs." He pointed upwards and a black swarm of what I think were bats swirled ahead before disappearing into the forest.

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