Chapter 40

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"Mother fucker!" Raya grunted behind the privacy screen, that wasn't actually all that private. "Damn it. Shit!"

"Is that your mummy saying all those bad words?" I asked Olivia, who only looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

Her flower girl dress mimicked Penny's princess gown that was about ten layers of tulle and a truckload of crystals too many. In my opinion. Which I safely kept to myself. I won't even mention the tiara. On Olivia though, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"What's wrong?" I called out, sitting Olivia down with her iPad and some super colourful cartoon she loved. London Bridge came on instantly. "Oh, not that one Liv."

She said nothing as I skipped it, her eyes glued to the screen. The next song came on she smiled, clapping as the baby on the screen started singing twinkle, twinkle little star. Much better.

Raya appeared in her underwear, one hand over the already growing bulge of her stomach, the other on her bridesmaid dress. "It doesn't fit."


"I underestimated my measurements. I told the dressmaker extra knowing I would likely start to show soon, everything I've read says you do on your second, but I swear it's even smaller than the last fitting!" She looked furious, before her bottom lip trembled slightly.

"Hey, it's not an issue. It's fine. I can fix this." I assure her.

"How?" Her voice broke slightly.

"Just, put it on. Let me see." She did as I asked and sure enough, the gown was not going on. Raya sucked in a breath, the satin fabric straining around her middle with her breasts bulging. We both froze at the ripping sound behind her. "Your boobs are bigger too."

"No shit." She huffed, letting out a long breath as the dress suddenly widened and adjusted to her changing figure. "Oh wow."

She ran her hands across her stomach, down her sides and fidgeted with the strapless bra. Relief took over as she covered her mouth, a row of tears ruining her makeup. I fixed that too.

"You're okay. It's fine. No one will know." I assured her.

"Oh god, I'm going to be sick." She disappeared into the bathroom, her dress appeared in my hands. "Thank you!"

"Are we-" Penny returned with her hair finished and stopped, the sound of Raya in the bathroom echoing out to us. "Is she sick?"

"Nerves." I lied.

"P-P-P" Olivia made a series of popping sounds, arms up to Penny.

She picked her up, kissing her on the top of the head.

"Hello, Little Princess. The photographer is just going to do Colton and the guys, so we can get ready and he'll do some dressed photos too." She told me, putting Olivia back down. "Get your dress on, and hopefully Raya is over whatever that is before he gets here."

"Aye, aye, Captain!" I tease.

The second the red fabric is shimming down my body, I freeze. Carefully tugging the dress the rest of the way down, I internally curse the dressmaker as much as Raya. She slips behind the screen with me, and I fix her makeup again as she takes her dress. With our hair down to one side, she clearly forgot to move it while we threw up, and I got rid of that for her too before she noticed.

"These dresses are ridiculous." I whisper, pointing to my own breasts that are that squished in they are flattened, cut into two and fighting to be free. "The amount we paid, these should be perfect!"

"Hurry up! I want my dress on!" Penny whines. " I want to see you two all finished."

"Just a second!" I answer.

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