Chapter 8

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Sitting in Raya's living room, Olivia snoozed happily in my lap completely oblivious to the chaos around her. Penny sat cross-legged on the chair opposite me, waving her glass of champagne in front of her as naturally, I did a sword. Raya listened to her story with more interest than I could muster, having her hair braided by Kara.

"So we're at dinner and then from across the room, we hear this girl screaming. Of course, we jump, the whole restaurant does, but he goes into caveman mode, getting in front of me, ready to defend my honour which makes me love him so much more, and then we realise it's a happy scream. The old, engagement ring hidden in desert trick!" Penny giggles, making Raya swoon.

I roll my eyes.

"How beautiful!" Raya gushes. "She said yes then?"

"Of course." Penny grins. "Then our dessert arrives."

"Wait!" Raya lunges for Penny's hand, her disappointment as clear as Pennys as they stare at nothing but perfectly manicured fingernails.

"I know, no such luck for me. But, I mean, we're good. I don't need a ring. Yet. It's only been a year." Penny instantly defends.

"Exactly." Raya agrees.

"Why not ask him if that's what you want?" Kara adds, earning a death glare from the pair. "Or not."

"It'll happen when it's supposed to." I chime in.

"What about you Elle?" Penny asks, taking one of the chocolate-covered strawberries she had brought along.

"What about me?"

"Have you been with anyone since-"

"Not that it's anyone's business, but no. Let it go." I warn.

"What about Eric? I saw you go into his room a couple of weeks back. He's not unattractive by anyone's standards." Kara smirked, knowing she is only feeding me to the sharks.

"You didn't!" Penny gasps.

"I didn't!"

"What about Colton's friend, Michael isn't it?" Raya wonders, sipping her drink. "He seems lovely."

"Oh, he is!" Penny agrees too enthusiastically. "But she has been dating gods. Poor Michael. He's just, he wouldn't be Elise's type. Elise would destroy him, build him back up and then do it all again."

"Maybe he'd like that. Who knows what he's into?" Raya muses, winking at me. "Kinky!"

"Wait, gods? There was more than one?" Kara asks. "How do I not know about this?"

"Well you know Apollo, obviously, but she never did tell us about the other one. What's his name again? Cain." Penny explains, and all eyes turn to me.

"You lot are the worst. Nothing ever happened between us, idiots." I roll my eyes. "Michael is nice, but you're right. Not my type."

I smooth back Olivia's hair where it had fallen over her face and she wriggles closer to my hip, her arm gripping and then releasing my leg.

"If Apollo comes back, what then? Will you two try again?" Raya asks gently.

"Third time's the charm," Penny says a little too eagerly.

"I don't know, it depends, on, well, I don't know." I sigh. "I'm not sure we ever could to be honest if I'd even want to. Contrary to your beliefs, I am fine being single. Pick on Kara!"

"While it is true and I do not have a partner too, unlike you I do not keep myself chaste. Men have a purpose, one perhaps you have forgotten?" She teased.

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