30th June 2014

631 72 3

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a castle, built on lies and deception. The queen was not who she said was, and turned out to be not a queen at all but a witch. She cast a spell over the entire kingdom to fool everyone into only seeing what she wanted. 

The girl was not like the other girls. 

She never wanted the life that the queen and everyone in the castle told her she had to have. She fought and rebelled, finally revealing the queen's true identity but it was too late. The girl's fate was already sealed, a curse placed upon her before she had even been born...

I was thinking about how all of this could be changed, Bob. It wouldn't be hard. Aion would go back in time, take my place when the Treaty was created. I'd never have met Portia or Cain then. Alistair would never go and curse generations of Buntings to only birth boys, so who knows what could have happened between then and now.

I might not exist.

Maybe I would, just not like who I am now.

A girl not like the other girls, travelling to another world - again, with no idea how it's all going to end.

Elise Bunting
(The Girl From The Story)

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