Chapter 7

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Turns out, watching Heath was not as interesting as either of us had hoped for. He sat in the park, brought a coffee, visited a few little grocery stores and just when I decided this wasn't worth the time, Matt made a comment that had me sticking on him a little bit longer.

"We're nearly at my gallery, is that weird?"

"When you say your gallery, what do you mean by that?" Just how famous was he these days?

"Well, Mr Genzo has the gallery. He just rents it to me. Free. So, like a lease. He just asked for viewing rights to all my work." Matt said slowly, as if only just realising that it was a little strange.

"Of course he did."

He shrugs and we watch as Heath walks right past the gallery. "So who exactly is the mark?"

"The mark?"

"Spy terms?" He looks at me as if I should know that.

"Not actually a spy, remember?"

"He looks like a spy," Matt whispers as we keep going.

"He isn't. He's creepy and up to something." I mumble.

Heath was also either very good at not giving away he knew we were following or stupid because surely he would have noticed us by now. Maybe that was why he was giving us nothing.

"How did you get your superpowers?" Matt asks as we stop by a van, using it as a shield.

"I stole them from a god."

"What?" This seemed to surprise him more than the fact that supernatural creatures exist.

"Kidding. If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"That's something a spy would say."

Matt is starting to get on my nerves and he was also right about the fact his gallery is near here. I kind of want to punch the universe in the face for whatever was happening right now. Heath goes down the side of the building and from his bag, he pulls out a pair of blue overalls, as well as grabbing a broom that had been left near a couple of bags of rubbish. Sure enough, he takes the back entrance and disappears around the side. I want to call him out on his ridiculous disguise, and I'm not the only one as Matt gets tense beside me.

"Should we stop him? He's clearly going to break into my studio!" Matt goes to start walking over, but I stop him. "Do you know how much those paintings are worth?

"No. I want to know what he's doing, so let him break-in." The last part makes me wonder though. What were people paying for his art? Did any but a few demons know what he painted were more valuable than they'd pay?

"Oh, right. Spy mission." He doesn't sound as happy about that now. "What do we do now?"

"We do nothing. You go back to your life, and I'll keep in touch. I am going to go and see what he's up to."

"But, that's my stuff in there. I have a right to know what-" Matt started, clearly not impressed with my answer.

"Why did I ever agree to this?" I sigh, stopping him. "I mean this in a nice way, you are a civilian. Human. As of a few hours ago, unaware of all of this."

"Not true, my visions-"

"Actually make you a target and don't help your argument." Gods, I sound like my mother or worse, Zane. "Ten bucks says, whatever he is up to has something to do with one of your paintings so you going in there, isn't ideal."

He looks thoughtful for a moment. "What if he is a decoy and if I go, the bad guys will nab me then while your distracted?"

"Possible, yett unlikely. Based on Heath's record, he isn't the brightest candle on the cake and hasn't thought that far ahead."

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