Chapter 10

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I had never moved faster as what I did at the sound of Cains voice. Turning around, I was across the room and holding onto him within seconds. He seemed taller, thinner, yet his strength was felt as he nearly crushed me with equal enthusiasm. A feeling of relief came over me as his familiar presence surrounded me, wiping away the worry and stress that had been building lately. Yet a million questions still managed to run through my mind until I realised none of them mattered now. Except for one.

"You're actually here?" I whispered into his shoulder, his grip lessening slightly as I was scared to let go incase it proved to be an illusion.

"Yes." He answered softly.

His head rested against mine and neither of us moved for what felt like an eternity. Slowly I felt his body expand and soften with a sigh before he let me go. I took a hesitant step back, still unsure if this was reality. Sure enough, Cain remained; looking amused, if not a little hesitant. The shadow of a beard covered his jawline, and the start of a smile on his face seemed unnatural thanks to the stiff way he now stood. It was as if he was didn't quite want to be here or he was just as unbelieving about the whole situation as I was. Then again, he just looked tired so perhaps coming here had been exhausting.

"But, how, why, but you- how are you?" I blurted, catching a glimpse of Landorian watching us intensely.

"How am I?" He repeated, a flicker of anger coming through. "Do you really want to know?"

"Well yeah, of course. It's been a while and all I've heard is these terrible things about-"

Cain laughed; at least I think that's what it was before he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, giving his head a little shake. I hadn't seen him in so long and yet I knew what those things meant. He was losing patience with me, only this time I had not done anything that warranted it. We hadn't been fighting, training or something that meant I had pushed all his buttons and then some. Reaching out, I put my hand on his arm and felt him tense as he looked up to glare at me.

"Cain, what has been going on?" I ask softly.

Instead of answering, he pushed past me to stand in front of the fire. I follow, ignoring the tiny motion from Landorian to stop.

"You can't just pretend we're still friends, like nothing has changed." Cain finally snapped after a few minutes of silence.


"I actually believe you are happy to see me." He said bitterly.

"I am. Why wouldn't I be happy to see you?" It doesn't make sense. "It's been like, forever. I've missed you. Give me a clue here, how could I have possibly pissed you off already?"

"You have to ask?"

"Well, yeah!" Landorian gives me nothing, picking idly at a tiny splinter on wooden frame of his chair as if the pair of us weren't even there. "Cain. Please!"

I'd never felt more confused in my life. I had not expected seeing him again would be like this. Memories of our time at the bar came to mind instantly, sitting in a comfortable silence, talking about anything and everything. Understanding. Trust. Taunting each other during training; a battle of wit than strength. A friendship that I thought would be unbreakable. Had too much time passed for things to be as they once had been?

The uncertainty and mistrust in his gaze hurt. "Portia has not seen you?"

"Not recently. She did mention that you'd, ah, banished her?" I answered cautiously.

"And those who have sought the God Killer, what of them?"


"Don't act stupid Elise. I know my enemies have been here, that it is you they seek. I have Hermes tracking their movements between the worlds. I have my messengers."

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