Chapter 34

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Alfie and I stood outside my parents house. I could see Mum through the kitchen window, and watched as she went about her day. She made herself a cup of tea, cut a slice of cake and moved to sit at the table. There was music playing, I couldn't quite hear it from where we were and as Alfie nudged my side, I looked away.

"I'll be back soon, I promise." I kiss between his eyes which makes his tail shake. "Go tell Annipe about your adventure."

He nods, and I wait until I can't see him anymore before going in.

It's warm and smells like coconut mixed with the sweetness of whatever baking Mum had been doing. Coldplay is loud in the living room, and I turn it down slightly as I pass the stereo.

"That you love?" Mum calls. "Your back early."

"It's just me, Mum." I answer.

I hear the fork clang against the plate right before her chair falls over. She rushes over, faster than I've seen her move in a long and I'm nearly tackled to the floor as she hugs me tight. I hold her back much the same and after a lot of tears later, she sits me at the table, makes coffee and pushes over a slice of cake. It's still warm.

"How are you, Elise?" She asks; her eyes wide and glossy. I don't miss the way her hands are shaking as she takes a sip of tea. "I'm so glad you're home. I knew you would be alright, and here you are back already!"

"Yeah, about that," I hesitate. "I'm not back. Not yet. It's a little more complicated than what I thought it would be, but I wanted to come and let you know I'm okay. You don't have to worry."

"Oh darling, I will always worry." She laughs nervously. "Did you want to talk about it?"

"No. Maybe. Well, long story short, with their stupid rules of succession or something, because I killed the last ruler, it means I automatically get to be Queen. I'm in the process of getting out of it and until that all settles, I need to be there." I talk fast, hoping she doesn't catch most of it.

"Ailin said you were to be queen. Portia went to see her, and told her the war was over."

"She did?" The suspicion was obvious making Mum frown.

"They are keeping in touch regarding everything going on over there. It was nice to get frequent updates." I try not to feel guilty, and let it slide. "Is something wrong?"

"Did she say anything else?"

"Not that I know of." Mum turns serious. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, of course." I force a smile. "I hadn't known that's all. I briefly stopped by Raya's and Penny was there. They never mentioned anything."

"Did Penny show you her dress?" Mum instantly asked, taking the bait.

"No, she didn't get a chance to. I wasn't there long."

I'd never been more thankful for a change of subject as, like my friends, the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming wedding seemed to be dominating my mother's thoughts too. While I did care, I didn't right now and as four samples of what was essentially, the same shade of green was put in front of me as each had their own pros and cons, I reached my limit.

"It's going to be amazing and this all looks great Mum." I finally said as she waited for Penny's pinterest board to load. Flowers. Dresses. Shoes. Cakes. Colours and Don't Lists flooded the screen. "I really do have to go."

"Already?" She frowned, closing the laptop quickly. "I didn't upset you did I? Penny mentioned she saw you and Apollo at her engagement party and with all-"

I try not to roll my eyes and fail terribly.

"Mum, no. We went over this before. She was drunk and had no idea what she saw at that party. The wedding is going to be amazing, but I told you this was just a quick stop. Alfie is back though, he'll be around to keep an eye on things here."

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