July 2014

617 74 2

Dear Bob,

Well, you're not technically Bob. You're just a notebook I created to try and write everything out on. I feel like it will help. Maybe. 

To think I hated these damn journal things.

Where do I begin?

I know its early morning. Sunlight is filtering down through the water, it's so beautiful. I wonder if I'm being missed yet...

I've never seen Cain look so, calm. The last time we were here, I'm pretty sure I thought the same thing. He's asleep now, has been for a few hours. There's no tension to be seen, he's stretched out and relaxed, so soft and unlike the warrior I'd fought beside a night before, two nights before? I have no sense of time right now. It may have been a day or a week  (I hope not longer than that) It would be nice to see this last, for that darkness that seems to follow him around disappear. Cain's been in this fight for so long, I don't even know if that would be possible.

I don't even know what to say about last night.

I can't say I regret a single second of it or that I wouldn't do it all over again. 

For all I thought I knew or had ever felt before, I was proved wrong.

It wasn't a mistake.

But what now? 

I just leave, take over, and we're done. How long could a secret like this be kept? Should it be kept? Can I really do this? How would that affect the Treaty, my family, everything?

There's a bruise on my thigh in the shape of his hand.

I can see the red mark on his shoulder from my bite.

Focus Elise!

This is what I do, right? I do the impossible. I beat the odds, no matter how they're stacked against me. So, what exactly am I up against?

Forbidden romance? - later problem.

Not-Dead former King - I'll come back to it.

The Queen Thing
- run
- put someone else in charge
- accept the 'God Killer' fate and do what they want
- talk to the Magician with Cain and see if we can make this body double thing a more permanent fixture.

Body doubles... if only there was someone who looked a bit like me, had powers, already lived here and-

The Others don't know me.

The majority of Powers don't either.

I know this because when I was in town, so much of what was put up about me, wasn't me. They created the God Killer, they imagined her from their own imaginations. Made their own stories.

Well, fuck. I think I might be onto something... but where could the God  Killer be, who could she actually be if not me? It's not like I can hold Olympus's Next Top Queen auditions or something. If I did give them the God Killer, then I could just go home. I could leave that alter ego behind, and just be Elise Bunting again.

Before I can even get that far I'm going to have to go back and face everyone. Hopefully, they are as enthusiastic about my idea as I am. Maybe they have their own, smarter, practical and well-researched suggestions instead. Hades seems like the type that would think over every angle before committing to something. Maybe I just need to get Zane over here to help out, I'll even get him a whiteboard and new markers and everything.

Well, this was productive. Kind of. 

Later fake-Bob.


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