Chapter 11

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Sitting by the window, I looked out at the sunset over an endless blue ocean. It was a beautiful location and while Landorian had practically ran when I started to try and get us, or more so me, out of this place, I enjoyed the moment of solitude to think. Ironically it had nothing to do with the fact that I was stuck back in time.

The feel of the golden handcuffs still lingered on my skin where they had dug in, bruises had started to show on my arms and all over where I first fought the chains. I ached and was thankful the bad wasn't easily forgotten, especially thanks to that kiss.

"You're so, fucking, stupid." I glanced inside to where Landorians true form sat on the table watching me. "What do you think?"

It nodded rapidly in agreeance and I wasn't surprised.

Last time I had time travelled, Sobek had taken me back to when the Treaty was signed and Cain had sent me to the future where I belonged. All his skills and abilities had been shown to him or learnt from what he had seen others do. So, from who in the great big encyclopedia of these legends, did he get that ability and would I be able to contact them to assist me now?

Thankfully my powers worked the same as they always had and the greek mythology book appeared in my lap. I started to read, finding myself flicking to a rather familiar section I'd browsed a hundred times before. There was no God Killer mentioned within Apollos pages, or Artemis. Producing more books, there was nothing about defeating Sobek, or anything anywhere now.

I was not going to be erased.

I don't know how long I'd been reading for, but it was dark when Landorian slunk back in, browsing over the library I had in front of me he sighed heavily.

"No one will help you." He added very unhelpfully after he was done flicking through a couple.

"You're right. Father Time is Cronus and I helped Cain kill him. He's still technically alive now, unaware of what's coming to him, but also in their world so still don't like my chances, plus it never really mentions him time travelling as such. None of them do really. Maybe Hermes, with his ability to go through time, space and realms?"

"He won't be here for at least another eighty or so years."

"Great." I sit back in the chair and rub my eyes. "I'm immortal. I'll catch up to me eventually, won't I?"

What would I tell myself if I did?

I probably wouldn't believe me anyway. Maybe I wouldn't even have to wait that long, and could turn up at the Treaty again, warning myself of well, everything, and avoid this.

"Got five hundred years or so of patience to go with that idea? Living once was bad enough, now I have to do it again." He dropped his head to the table and banged it lightly. "I wasn't expecting you so soon. I hadn't even finalised my business arrangements incase this happened. I had a feeling, but the signs didn't appear fast enough."

Could I wait all that time?

Not a chance.

"I have known the wonder of hot showers, michelin star restaurants and the Spice Girls. I only just began to get to know my daughter. Now what she will think of me? And I wanted another. I quite like siring young of my own." He groaned into the cushion.

"That you're a hero, who got himself back to her. We're not stuck here. How do you normally come and go?"

"It takes a bit of effort, this was easier because everything was all ready for us."

"Effort like magic effort? Can we work together?" I offer.

"No. There's a bunch of things, Virgo needs to be in Saturn with the third full moon of the season and-" He pauses. "Nope. That's nearly as long as it takes Hermes to come by."

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