Chapter 4

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The wind tore through the treetops above us, howling as if a whole army marched up their ready to pounce. Leaves and bits of sticks that couldn't cope with the sudden change of weather were flung through the air with little mercy shown at whatever was in their way. Which, right now, was me. As if our hike couldn't get any better, it then began to rain. Within seconds my clothes were soaked, clinging to every part of my body and weighing me down. The ground reacted in a similar way, the dirt turning into mud and in some areas began to flow like rivers by us. I stop walking if it can even be called that and regret ever investigating the noise outside my living room. By now, I could have been asleep for like, two hours at least. Be warm and comfortable. I might have even had a chance to watch some reality tv or a movie of my choice.

"This is ridiculous!" I scream, hoping Paytah could hear me.

We weren't getting anywhere. The weather was getting worse and something told me it wasn't a freak storm or some kind of freak reaction to global warming. Nothing about any of this felt natural and as the large figure of Paytah stops, more of a shadow in this blinding rain, I thought about his request for help and effort he took to find me in the first place. I wanted to change my mind, tell him I'm going home and good luck, but I never could.

"We can't keep going like this!" I yell, looking around at nothing. Somewhere nearby there were others of his kind following us, well there had been before this weather came in.

If he answers me, I don't hear it, but his hand is suddenly on my arm and I'm being thrown over his shoulder. He moves faster than he had been, I guess without me slowing him down he can pick his own pace. Despite the weather, I can feel how sure-footed, agile and strong he still is. I close my eyes, and hold on as best I can. The furs that cover him are matted and wet, the smell similar to wet dog yet something else. Occasionally his chest vibrates or he grunts, a rock or something he missed nearly tripping us up but he goes on. Rain comes down harder and I lose focus on everything. Breathing is hard; Paytahs shoulder is in my gut and the air vanishes as water takes over. A rumble of thunder vibrates through all of us and I can feel the cold sinking into my bones.

Then it all disappears and the heat of Paytah's hands are on my waist, I'm standing and daring to look, I push back my wet hair to find the giant werewolf before me. His hands stay firm and meeting his gaze, Paytah's eyes are bright with mischief as his lips curl into a smile.

"The brave Hunter can not handle a little storm?" He mocks.

"Oh, this Hunter can handle plenty!" I push his hands away and step back, ignoring the interest and amusement on the wolfmen around us. "That is not a little storm."

"You are right. There are other forces at play here." Paytahs twin steps up beside his leader, his eyes are more canine than Paytahs, and the most clear, light blue colour. I try not to shiver as he looked me over from head to toe. "This shelter will serve us well."

Paytah nodded. "I agree, Hinto."

The pair nod, while I can't stop the shivering. Paytah frowns, and motions for me to follow him. It's not a huge space, but with eight hulk-like werewolves filling it, anywhere would seem small right now. He stops to one side of the cave, where the shadows start to take over and what light is outside mostly now comes from the lightning as it grows even darker.

"Why aren't you using your powers? You do not need to stay, cold or," he motions to my drowned state. "Do you not have them anymore?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't-" I hadn't felt so cold in a long time and gave up, doing as he suggested. "See, I have my powers."

"Then, why not use them?"

"I told you before, everyone hates it when I do and after what I nearly did last year, it's just easier not to." I shrug.

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