23 July 2014

633 67 24

Cain stood before the wall of water and stared into the nothingness of the ocean. Night kept it dark; an endless expanse of mystery that was as beautiful and as dangerous as the woman he couldn't get out of his head. Even now that he had touched her, kissed her, and so many other things that were once only contained to longing thoughts and daydreams - she remained.

Of course now things were more delicate. Fragile.

What would it take for it all to come undone?

"You are pathetic. To think I once feared you." Portia mused moving to stand beside him. "If she knew what you did-"

"Which part? I am a fool, dare I admit you are right?" Cain groaned.

"I'd be happier to hear it if it wasn't so depressing. They say a King will only bow to his Queen. But you, well, you're more on the level of a grovelling mutt." Her words lacked the bitterness she had intended. "He told her you planted her there, with him. She accepted it with far more ease than you'd expect from that girl. Not only that you keep pushing her away, already' Do you enjoy harming yourself this way?"

"Depends on how it ends." He sighed, taking a gulp of the liquor he saved for special occasions. The elf creation was hard to come by these days, but tonight he felt the need to numb himself - forget even.

"You think she'll go back to him?"


"But you test her anyway?"

"No, yes. If she needs someone to show her reason, to convince her that this, us, is a bad idea then this is the time." Cain cringed as the liquid burned his throat, waiting until he felt it drop down into his stomach. "I dont deserve her."

"Especially with that attitude." Portia scolded.

"Since when are you on my side?" He asked doubtfully.

"Who says I am? You're plenty miserable by your own hand, I pity you."

"You're right. None of this, none of it is real. Today If she knew, if she saw. Never mind the rest. I get it now. I see it all. Their deaths proved it. I am weak"

Portia realised he wasn't even talking to her now.

"How have I missed how much of a child you really are?" Portia sighed. "Cain, look and listen closely, as I will do this only once."

Bloodshot eyes turned her way as a golden thread appeared in her hands. Portia closed her eyes, running the thread through her fingers and bending it ever so slightly, she touched the tip of it to the water.

They watched in silence as Elise let her powers free on the coven of witches. They saw her slay the Valkyries from the portal and there was no stopping her until she settled herself on the rocky ledge about the chaos to let her friends and family deal with it on their own.

"I know what she can do." Cain mumbled, swaying as the alcohol took hold of him.

"Then why do you think your darkness will scare her away?" The Fate's tone softened, and he didn't answer. "Trust her as you always have or you will lose her."

"Isn't that what you want?" He slurred, glaring at her.

"Yes, because you too are right, Cain. She does deserve better."

The Third disappeared, leaving him alone and throwing the bottle to ground with a roar that silenced the smash of the glass.

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