16th May 2014

649 75 3

Oh Bob, it's so good to be back.

Well, after the arguments, tears, apologizing, more arguments, pointing fingers and the rest.

It's good to be home.

The Valkyrie were pretty down with the fact The Magician wasn't actually a bad guy. Not completely anyway and while defending him, I learnt a little more about the realm he came from. The Valkyrie had actually passed through it on their journey here and from even their retelling of events, what he and Cain did - was possibly, somewhere, a good thing. To take down their 'powers' and let the 'others' of their society live a life without them has been good. The human sacrifices and non-stop war that raged not only between the gifted and normal, but within their own ranks was a million times worse than Zeus and Co. Plus the reason why Cain went so drastic with Landorian was because they had decided to come into our realm and stage their own little take over. He had already come here to try and escape that world and way of life, and just stayed. Rumour has it the people there still live with the fear and memory of the time when they existed here, similar to how our society functions with the myths and legends of the gods.

Sounds kind of interesting hey? I wonder if I'll ever go there....

I can't help but wonder if Apollo and I could have gone there. Maybe it was somewhere he had in mind when he wanted us to disappear together. What life would we have had if I had just gone?

Jordan had a go at me about it. 'Disappearing' again, into another time of all places. Blah blah.

Sometimes I think it would be so easy to just go.

Stay gone.

But then, just like with Apollo, I know I can't. I know his complaints come with good intentions. I could never just leave Olivia, my friends and family. Alfie. Despite it all, this is my home. It's strange having that peace and comfort knowing my place here. It's hard, no one said life would be easy, but despite whatever comes my way, I know that.

I am home.

This is my world.

I am where I am supposed to be.

Aion left this morning, and I hope he is able to find that too. He said I gave him back his life, now he is free to do what he wants wherever he chooses to go. For someone who could move through time and space, being stuck in the one place would be the worst. He did say he'd be back, I don't know when or anything else, but maybe he is right and Fate will have our paths cross again.

Who knows?

But, and it's a pretty big BUT Bob, I've sworn Landorian and Aion to secrecy over the real reason behind this whole fiasco. I don't know why I didn't tell everyone the truth about 'you know who' I just, I mean, it was a real shit move, and it's not like I'm forgetting it and just, forgiving him or anything.

My gut is telling me to keep it quiet.

So is my heart.

Landorian helpfully added I'm in a denial. Maybe I am - but, I just feel like it was a bad, desperate move and that he just needs help. It wasn't the person we knew that was did it. I know, he still does exist.

If i'm wrong, well, I'll be ready next time.

I hope.

If there is a next time.

Then there is also the other thing that happened. That was probably even more intense than anything else. We were friends. It was never supposed to be more than that. I hate how guilty I feel. All those arguments Apollo and I had - he had seen what I chose not to. Everyone probably did and now I feel stupid too.

Bob, it was probably one of the best kisses of my life while being the absolute worst.

I'm so confused.

And I can't even tell anyone about it. About any of the real stuff because what will that mean? Where does that even leave us? Where do I want it to go?

I don't think I want it to go anywhere.

It's a complication I don't need.

Especially now.

Elise Bunting.
(Time Traveler Extraordinaire)

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