Chapter 33

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"I don't think that plant likes you." Hades pointed over my shoulder.

Turning around, the stem of green did seem to stretch my way, shaking slightly with the effort. This vine decorated an archway I hadn't noticed before, or was a new addition; though looking closer it was bones underneath the plant not metal like the few Mum had. Beyond this, the mist that seemed to hide the small cabin Hecate called home lifted revealing it to be just as I remembered. Maybe a little greener than my last visit.

"Devil's Ivy." Hecate called, soon appearing in the doorway as three orange cats and a black rooster scurried out past her feet. "Don't you recognize her, my little Phoenix?"

I turn back towards the arch. "Long time no see, Ivy. How's it hanging?"

The framework shook as those leaves all pointed my way. I could feel their dark intentions radiating off them like perfume and had to laugh.

"Stop mocking the dead." Hades growled, stalking inside.

"She asked for it."

He didn't answer, barely glancing at Hecate too who merely offered him a small curtsy. The second Hades was out of sight she smiled, and opening her arms I was thankful for the warm welcome. She hugged me tight, before holding me back at an arm's length, looking me over with an approving nod.

"Look at how you have grown. Come, come. I'll make some tea." She kept an arm over my shoulders guiding me in.

The house seemed to sigh with her return, the rustle of plants shifting their positions to be close to her, curious prods at me and the space around Hades was void of any interaction as blooms disappeared with the leaves turning away. It was definitely more crowded in here than last time. New pots filled the corners, shelves were full of jars with stems and an assortment of foliage mixed along the walls. We sat at an old wobbly table and sure enough tea was served for all of us.

"I was expecting you, but not you, My King." Hecate thought out loud, an expectant look served at Hades.

"After her last expedition, I feel supervision is necessary."

"That wasn't really my fault, kinda. Sacrificed, remember?" I point out.

"I remember. I remember you interfering with the order of things and nearly getting yourself killed."

"Technically, already dead, kinda. But that had a happy ending right? How is my old pal Sobek-Ra?" Hades rolls his eyes. "Not part of today's plan then, I get it."

"What is today's plan, Elise?" He snaps, glaring at me.

"If you stopped interrupting-"

"Interrupting? Are you fu-"

"Now, now children," Hecate sipped her tea, possibly in an attempt to hide her smile. "I know this is not a courtesy call."

"I wish it were, maybe next time." I shrug, mimicking her actions and drinking the tea. I paused before putting down the cup, watching the tea leaves sink back to the bottom of the cup. "You are Hecate, mother of all magic. Right?"

"What you want, I can do." She answered easily.

"What does she want?" Hades demanded. His patience was wearing thin.

Hecate ignored him. "I had already been warned of your visit. Told what you will ask for, and that it should not be done. I have been thinking a great deal over it."

"Glad one of us has been." He mumbled, earning a look of his own from Hecate which kept him quiet as he dared to drink some of his own tea.

A kitten appeared in Hecate hands, its fur whiter than anything I've ever seen and so fluffy. She stroked its back with a finger as it let out a little mew sound, before cradling against her chest, which appeared even darker with such a bright colour against it. Hecate closed her eyes as I held my breath, a wind softly blowing around us, and through the leaves of the living room plants. Hades tensed, glancing around suspiciously.

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