13th May 2014

627 78 1


Date: 13th May 2014
Current Location: Home.
Time: 10:20 am

Injuries: Sprained Wrist - mild.
Current Case:  The Curious Case of Missing Elise Part 1957658

You know it's not going to be a very good day when five angry Valkyrie turn up on your doorstep with the news your best friend has done yet another stupid thing and is now, missing. Despite my attempts to tell them not to worry, that this actually happens, like all the time, the fact she went off on another undoubtedly fun filled journey with a Magician (not sure what that has to do with anything - they seemed very concerned over it) means I should actually be taking this seriously.

Elise has her powers. I doubt a magician is anything for her to worry about.

Cancel that. 

Ailin just came by and turns out The Magician is like, an actual magician. The Tarot guy Magician - that the cards are all sourced from. Kara filled in the gaps, so turns out these guys are all like the Powers of Apollos world. They're not quite gods as we see them, but in their realm they were and they're not as powerful as them either. Kara said rumour has it their world was constantly plagued by war due to each house seeking to be the one to rule it all.

What is so great about wanting to rule a world? I just don't get it.

Anyway, when they found out about other worlds, they began to move through them to spread their empires - starting with this earth. Whatever the Magician did aka the dude Elise disappeared with, saw them all vanish. No one knows what became of them, but he is the only one of his kind to still be known to exist.

Every time I think I've got a handle on the crazy, new shit appears like this.

I can't even deal.

So now everyone is one step away from crisis mode and clueless as to how we're going to find her. Maybe I'm the one who is right and we don't need to find her. She'll just appear after a certain amount of time that makes everyone relieved and silently furious, come up with an apology and excuse and we'll all move on. Case closed.

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