3rd July 2014

688 74 12

Apollo sat at the end of the bar. The light above him out casting an ominous shadow over his figure. No one approached or even went near except for Eric as he replaced the now empty pint glass with another of mead, and any who watched could see how he clearly wanted to say something. Only he didn't, leaving the Power alone to dwell on his mistakes, regrets and misery.

"I would say I am surprised to find you here, only we both that would be a lie." Portia greeted, standing beside him.

Apollo forced his eyes to open, looking at the ghostly feminine figure with a hint of interest. It didn't last, his suspicion and dislike taking over instead.

"What now? Have you and your sisters not done enough?" His tone was cold, luckily Portia had thick skin.

"Your path is your own, you know that," she answered much the same before her features softened. "Do not let your ego and your pain control you, Apollo. You've come so far. You are not the selfish boy you used to be, your mother would be proud to see how you have grown."

It was something he hadn't expected her to say and his mouth felt dry as his words left him. Apollo sipped his mead, yet now it just left a bitter taste on his tongue.

"My mother would still be here if not for him." He cursed. "Try another angle, Oracle."

"It has always been the world according to Apollo, yet you were once known for your truths, and justice. Your legacy has become tainted and only your sire would be proud of you now. Even your other half, your twin has abandoned you." Portia's dark eyes were full of judgment that weighed heavily on Apollo's conscious. "And of course, there is her."

Apollo groaned, slamming his fist agains the wooden bar top before turning to face his antagonist. Deep inside, Portias stomach churned at seeing his blood shot eyes and the look of pure defeat that covered every inch of his face.

"Did you come simply to torture me?"

"No. I came to make you realize it's not too late to right your wrongs. I come for her sake and yours. We all cross paths because there is a lesson, a reason, a need for that connection. It's how we learn, grow, and thrive yet the reasons are not always clear."

"Is she okay?" He asked hesitantly, all while thinking what an idiot he was for not going with them.

"She was when I last saw her. You know my visions are never clear when it comes to the Hunter." Portia inched closer too Apollo. "Do not ignore the lessons your time together gave you. Do not be your fathers son."

"I am nothing like he was." Apollo snapped.

"Perhaps, yet you sit here while your sibling faces her greatest battle, with him. You sit here pining for a love you destroyed, not him. You sit here as your home is destroyed and do nothing, blaming him. You are your greatest enemy Apollo, not him." She took a deep breath, thankful he seemed to be listening despite turning away to stare at his drink. "I can not see how this will all end, but I do know if you are not there, the guilt and regret will destroy you. You will lose it all, knowing that you did nothing. Not him."

"You don't un-" Apollo stopped as he realised she'd gone.

Looking around the bar, she wasn't anywhere. The bartender glanced his way and Apollo stood, ignoring him as he now looked for someone else.

He wasn't here.

Dorian sat back in his chair with a glass of his favourite whisky and admired the new addition to his desk; a photograph of himself, with his daughter. Beside it, a small hourglass sat empty and his fingers strummed against the glass as not for the first time he contemplated how he may attempt to use the artefact for his own purposes. If he could go back in time again, what would he change? He quite liked his life as it was.

That thought disappeared as he looked up at Apollo, praying the Power wasn't about to do anything to change that. The gods face was unreadable yet for all his abilities, Dorian didn't need to ask the reason of this visit for he already knew.

"Just a moment." He greeted calmly, reluctantly adding the purple sand back into its home and turning over the hourglass with a subtle flick of his wrist. "Can I ask why the change of heart?"

Dorian wondered if Apollo knew something he didn't. He liked the Hunter; the trouble that followed her not so much, especially when Powers could not drop into his office without notice. Yet he didn't wish her any harm. The Seer has been returned his world, a few Valkyrie back as well. Whatever else was happening, was as unknown to him as the rest.

"I made a mistake. It's time I went home." Was all Apollo said as Aion appeared.

"Good luck." Dorian saluted with his glass, taking another sip of the amber liquid yet no one was there to hear him.


Apollo popped up in my head and this happened instead of a diary entry... hope it doesn't get too awkward 🙄

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