20th April 2014

637 73 1

Hey Bob, let me ask you something.

What has two arms, two legs and is boring as fucking watching paint dry?

Heath Terwey.

Also, sorry for draining your battery and losing your charger and losing you and not being bothered in actually summoning/finding you. It's just, sometimes this feels like a chore and with my life so exciting right now, I didn't see much point.

Apart from developing my comedic talents, I haven't been up to a lot at all. I asked the Valkyrie super nicely to help me with taking turns to watch Heath and he has done nothing but play video games, order pizza and go the gym - ironic hey? The only people he has been in contact with apart from those in a virtual world is Tom and Nigel (apparently he doesn't like Drew) as well as the pizza guy and another Hunter, Mitch Ford. Nothing to report there either, they made one trip to a graveyard miles away in Glenbervie where a ghoul was up to no good and was quickly stopped.

No sign of Genzo.

Matt is driving me crazy with non-stop questions... still. He hasn't told Alice anything which I think is odd as I told him he could. Apparently lying to spouses is normal for everyone so whatever. Who am I to judge? I'm going to judge. But I get it. Keep her out of it, keep her safe? Right? That's what he's going with so whatever helps you sleep at night.... we all know how that ends.

Also, turns out he hasn't had a vision since I stepped back into his life (not sure if that's good or bad) and well, its actually frustrating because I want to know what's happening in the other world, if thats what he'll even see. Since he told me Art was in a bad way, but wasn't dead after some of her huntresses turned on her (shocker) he hasn't seen her in a vision either.  No news is good news maybe??


Speaking of relationships, I'm taking tonight off and going to hang with the girls as Penny wants to brag about her best one-year celebration ever and how perfect Colton is *gag* but I get to chill with my girl so it's not all bad.

Elise Bunting
(The Bored Hunter)

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