4th July 2014

742 78 8

Dawn crept onto the horizon as Ailin stood in the conference room that had become more of a permanent residence. Her laptop glowed behind her, the network steadily being updated and the nights activities being logged. Below her, a whole city of people slept peacefully unaware of the monsters that lurked in the shadows, that now fled to their hide outs and homes to escape the daylight.  They slept easily and deeply. Safe and secure, so sure of the world and their place within it, that she envied them on the highest levels possible.

"Any news?" Ailin asked, the reflection in the glass giving the new arrival away. "Is she alright?"

"She will be. Apollo got there in time, I already had Aion waiting to assist." Portia assured her. "Speak of this to no one. I am already in enough trouble as it by coming here!"

Ailin nodded slowly, turning around and wiped her eyes before anyone else may witness her tears. It had been close, too close and with a shaky sob, she pushed those fears away.

"Thank you. Whatever you said to get him to go, thank you." The President sighed, closing the laptop, she looked longingly at the sofa that had been left folded out in it's bed form.

"You may do well to see her parents, they worry as you do." She softly told her, moving closer to rest a hand on the smaller woman's shoulder. "Your presence will be appreciated."

"Perhaps if we could tell them something, anything they-" The desperation wasn't missed and Portia frowned as she closed her eyes.

"I wish I could, but I see nothing." The golden thread of life appeared in her free hand, and they both looked at the thin, worn area that seemed to go on stronger now before getting lost in a messy tangle that was driving Portia mad. "She lives. If I find out more, I will tell you."

"Thank you." Ailin mumbled, wiping away new tears and looking up now Portia had already gone.

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