1st April 2014

724 79 7

DAY 90 | 2014
2:48 AM
Baghdad, IRAQ

I was finally able to meet with the infamous Bunting girl during my stop at Huntington Academy. Since there was no sign of the relic there, at least it was not time completely wasted as it gave me a chance to see what may stand in our way. I am happy to report, she is nothing more than a mouthy, immature girl, that from what her reputation tells us, has a ridiculous amount of luck on her side - so far anyway.

Sitting through that dinner under the pretences of a not so subtle blind date from her desperate and childish mother (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree there!) was tougher than any mission I've ever been apart of. The scrolls did seem to get her attention though, not sure why exactly but maybe there will be more clues back at the temples. Akram is arranging a convoy for us to return in the morning. If nothing else it will be an opportunity to study that portal(?) we noticed on the wall. 

I wish I had more to report, but it's all been rather, disappointing so far.


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