Chapter 26

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Everything seemed to move on as though someone had hit the fast forward button. Eris disappeared, Odin launched a giant ball of green light at Cain which he deflected while I saw an opportunity and moved behind the formerly declared dead King. I raised my sword as Cain easily dissolved another green ball, and my sword cut into his back, deep and deadly.

It was easy, too easy.

The force of my strike had Odin sprawling forward with me following as I stood over him, and twisted my blade free. He made no noise, there was no further fight. There was also no blood.

Cain was there instantly, and I stepped back as he kicked the limp figure over. It wasn't Odin. This guy was old, almost as old and looking like the Santa character I had originally imagined Odin to be. Never mind the bruised and swollen eye, the cut lip and blood stains in his wispy grey beard or as we watched the fullness of his figure deteriorated into nothing but bones. The smell came next; it was little more than a corpse.

"So, I'm just going to put it out there, but I don't think this is Odin." I look around cautiously, but it's just us.

Cain closes his eyes. "They're here, somewhere. I can still feel their presence close by."

"Odin, like the one that's not actually a corpse?" I ask. "Just a suggestion, maybe kill him for real next time."

"I did, this was a-" It was then realisation dawned on his face. "I was too distracted to notice."

Before he could say more or I could ask, Hermes reappears looking more stressed than I think I have ever seen him.

"Sir, this bad!" Hermes stops, looking down at the corpse by his feet. He sniffs, pulling a face and looks between us. "Who was he?"

"What is it, Hermes?" Cain snaps not answering his question.


"What?" That really got Cain's attention.

"Who is Berserkers?" I ask.

"Not a who, a what." Hermes rolls his eyes. "Athena sent one of her scouts to investigate, Ares is restrategizing as we speak. We don't know where they came from, but-"

"It doesn't matter where they came from. Loki is here too."

"Oh I love him, but let me guess, not what I'm expecting?" Both of them just look at me blankly, before carrying on.

"I'll alert Ares. Do I have to state the obvious?" Hermes looked scared now.

"Let him send his worst. Ares and his soldiers are-"

"Tired. This will not be like the others, Cain. Think about what you are doing!" Hermes argued, instantly backing off as Cain glared at him. "It won't, for once listen to me."

"Go to Kara, bring my people. Tell her to alert the others. Your soldiers are tired, mine are not." I interrupt.

"You give orders now?" Hermes snapped at me, clearly not as cautious with this argument as he had been with Cain a second ago. "You're back and suddenly an army of Berserkers are on their way? Is that-"

"Do as she says." Cain orders, cutting him off as his command is clear. "Eris and Loki are here, somewhere. We will find them, destroy them and then join the battle."

"Let it be noted, I think all of this is a bad idea." Hermes huffed, disappearing a second later.

"And who are your people exactly?" Cain asks, not sounding like he actually wants to know.

"The Valkyrie and a few others I've come across lately."

"Odin's army?" He closes his eyes. "Are you fucking serious?"

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