Chapter 24

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Everyone was silent, my words sounding hollow and I was positive they took on a life of their own as echoing around the room. They came out firm and strong, unlike everything I was feeling inside as doubt this was in fact the right path to take began to bloom to life. Much like that wave of anxiety and nauseousness as I finally looked at Cain.

"You dare come in here, to accuse the King of, of, thievery? Who do you think you are?" Eris responded, standing as she did so. "I will see you spend your days in prison and-"

"I wasn't aware introductions were necessary," The scar on her cheek was unmissable. "Perhaps I hadn't left a deep enough impression on you. Don't worry, I won't touch that pretty face of yours next time."

Eris trembled. Her eyes turned completely black as they narrowed in on me and as one hand curled into a fist, the other instantly touched the scar from our last meeting. Her red lips turned pink as she pressed them tightly, the tension in her jaw looking painful as her neck strained with the effort of it.

"Some Prophet you turned out to be if you don't even know who I am. Then again, based on the abilities of your followers, I shouldn't think you'd be any different." I taunted.

Her whole body was tightly wound, her movements slow and rigid as she approached. Standing above me, she looked down in pure rage.

"I am going to destroy you." She growled; barely keeping control. "Guards!"

"You're going to destroy me, yet you call the guards?"

"You said Artemis was the one who attacked you." Cain spoke up, eerily calm from behind her.

Eris's eyes cleared, slowly turning around to face him. "She was, my King. This creature assisted her. I will take care of everything, ensure she is punished and dealt with for her crimes."

"I would like to see you try." I mumbled.

Behind me the whispers started, I'd almost forgotten about our audience. No one understood what was happening, and they all had a million theories of their own, starting with how I was no longer dead or at least, suffering at the bottom of the ocean. Eris moved back towards Cain, who held up his hand, stopping her; slowly standing. His face remained blank, there was not a single clue as to what was going on inside which was possibly worse than anything else. Whatever happened next would define everything that was going to happen from now on, and I took in a deep breath, holding it as Eris stepped to the side and away from him. The tension in the air grew, and as he took two steps to stand where she just had.

"Why are you here?" He asked, his voice seething with rage as he took the couple of steps down to stand before me. "Do you have any idea, what you have just fucking done?"

It was the only warning I'd get; those last few words were barely audible and I could sense those behind me creeping closer to make sure they didn't miss a thing.

"You have something of mine. Not only that, I didn't leave this world for you to try and destroy it."

The gasps were unmissable.

"You dare walk in here, and say such ridiculous things? You should be grovelling for forgiveness and begging for mercy." Eris charged down beside him.

"Hush. The adults are talking." I dismiss her with a subtle wave of my hand, sending her back up to the podium near the smaller throne. "I want Matt back. It was a jerk move. He's mortal and innocent, what did you think was going to happen?"

"I don't have him." Cain growled, glancing behind me.

I could feel the heat coming off him as if he was about to literally explode.

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