Chapter 21

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I slipped iBob into my bag and turned on the stool to face Apollo. He hung back, lingering by the jukebox in the corner so I had little option than to get up and head over. I sat on the stage, swinging my legs as he put on a song. It wasn't one I recognised, but the background noise was a welcome change to the silence.

"How's Art?" I ask finally, and he takes a seat beside me.

"She wants us to go. I don't know why she thought we wouldn't be found out here," He shrugs. "It was only a matter of time. We've been running too long, I don't know how long she thinks we can keep going, but I'm done."

"You nearly died. She'd do anything to keep you safe."

He sighed, dropping his chin against his chest as the silence began to grow again.

"I've missed you. It's been a year, Bunny," Apollo's hand slipped over mine. "I thought about you every damn day."

"I missed you too, just, things have changed. I have changed."

"So have I. Please, give me one more chance to show you I have. Surely there's a part of you that wants that as much as I do!" He begs, jumping up to stand in front of me.

Looking up into his eyes, he's right. There is a part of me that wants to know if now could be our time. I think it will always be there. Apollo, no matter his intentions or the drama of the past, had been my first big love. That would never change, and it's not something that could just go away.

"It's not enough." I thought out loud.


"Please, I don't want this to be any harder than it is. Right now, this, us, isn't something I can see happening. I like being on my own. What we had was good. I will always care for you. But, I can't do it again." I started to doubt myself; it shouldn't hurt as much as it was if it was the truth.

Apollos face went blank and my stomach rolled with anxiety as the hurt showed on his face. My chest tightened as I forced myself to breath, and I had to look away, staring at my knees. Breaking his heart was hurting mine. He stepped closer and took my hands in his, guiding my arms around his chest so we hugged. I held onto him tightly, both of us relaxing as we stayed there for a few minutes.

"I can't deny I'm disappointed," He sighed as we parted, jumping back up to sit beside me. "I understand, I think. Are we still friends?"

"Of course!" I assured him. "But I can't promise you anything like I had before and-"

"It's my fault," Apollo tried to smile but failed. "I never should have let you go when I had you."

"We weren't on a good path. We'd hate each other by now, it would literally be the worst."

"Maybe, but I guess we'll never know."

"I guess so."

Right on cue, the door to the Last Drop opened and Penny came rushing in, Colton right behind her. Her smile was radiant as she seemed to have stolen Apollo's glow. Hand extended, the familiar diamond ring sparkled in the soft lighting of the bar as she ran as fast as her high heeled shoes would allow her.

"Look at it!" She gushed, shoving the rock in my face.

"Congratulations!" Apollo and I said at the same time, though he didn't hold as much enthusiasm as I did.

I got down and hugged Penny, then Colton, another round of congratulations going on before our friends arrived. The bar had been closed tonight to celebrate their engagement and the decorations appeared in seconds as the overhead lights were turned on. Penny told the story of the seaside picnic Colton had organised the afternoon before and how he managed to get on one knee, drop the ring in the sand, which then have the pair of them searching the area during the sunset to find it again.

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