Chapter 1

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For those that didn't know Penny Grimm, they could easily mistake her as a young, carefree, pretty socialite. Those that do could also easily mistake her for that too, but should know by now she is one of the Grimms you don't want to mess with. Despite her father's years of trying to keep her as the well behaved, princess at his side, a touch of my influence goes a long way. Especially when it allows you to do, what you were born to do.

Penny is a Hunter, like me, only not like me, but that's another story. We keep track and hunt down any demons, witches, fae, whatever supernatural creatures that come under our areas of expertise; which is actually more like everything. You could be a Tracker, but you mostly handle the shifters and werewolves. Then there were the Slayers, and as I'm sure you can guess that they deal with vampires. Though none of us, especially Hunters, are restricted to our callings, we do seem to gravitate towards our intended species. We can't help it even if, as I discovered, you try to fight it or just refuse. We were created for it, by a super powerful god that decided something had to be done to control the creatures who live here among the mortals.

It's because of these abilities, we were sitting in a neutral location - a bar, surrounded by vampires, demons and a few of our own kind. It's also why I was now able to sit back and watch my barely five foot nine best friend, Penny, send a six foot four, double her weight, actually kind of gorgeous, Incubus over her shoulder, and onto the floor. It was definitely going to be the highlight of my night. Penny flicked her long red hair over one shoulder, pointed her nose upwards slightly and shook her head in obvious disapproval.

"I mean really, Marcus. Hunter. As if I'd ever even go there!" Penny huffs.

"Noted." He grumbled, rubbing his back slightly as he got up.

His friends were already roaring with laughter, clearly appreciating it as much as I had. Paul stood behind the bar, cautiously watching as he always did. The bear-shifter had warned the demon, twice, to back off from his numerous attempts at hitting on her. Maybe next time he will listen.

"Well, this is a great start to the night," I smirked as she adjusted her dress.

"Why don't you just tell your Mum to quit it?" Penny asked, sipping her glass of champagne as if nothing had just happened.

"Ah, have you met my mother?"

"Good point."

"But, I do have an idea." I eye up the Incubus, before deciding against it. I'm sure he would be a lot of fun, but I was making this my year of better decisions. "I just need to find the right-"

Colton and his friend walk in at that very moment. Penny turns and lets out a little squeal of excitement before running over to throw herself into her boyfriend's arms. If it wasn't a sign, I'm not sure what else could be. I'd met the friend three times before, the first time had been after saving their small group from a mass zombie attack. The second had been so Penny didn't have to worry about me feeling like a third wheel when we went to the movies. The third was when Colton had a flat tyre on his car and no spare, so while the pair of them argued over that, Penny and I brought them a new one. I couldn't remember his name, but he seemed, okay. By that I mean I didn't want to stab him or myself in the eye with a fork whenever we crossed paths, which clearly meant a lot when you considered the people I usually hung out with.

"Hey, Elise! How you been?" Friend of Colton asked casually leaning in for a hug. He smelt like whisky and leather, giving my idea a little more possibility.

"Hey, you!" I glance at Penny for help only she's too busy giving Colton's throat an oral exam and surprisingly it's Paul to come to my rescue.

"Sup, Michael!" Paul and Michael do a fist bump thing.

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