Chapter 3

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The path we were following started to change from compacted dirt to a softer sand. After being assured by Kara it was not quick sand, there were no booby traps and the walls were not sliding closer together, I felt like 'I told you so' would be warranted as she suddenly slipped; the sand giving way to a slippery marble surface instead.

"When the stabby spike things start to come out of the wall, will you agree with me then?" I help her stand, not that she needed it and we both look at the change of path cautiously.

"Only then." Kara sighs, shrugging.

As we carry on, we both cast uncertain glances behind us. I have no idea how far we have actually come though the fact there only seems to be one way around adds to my paranoia. It's getting colder, the walls now decorated in the same slippery surface as the floor. There are no pictures, carvings or anything to give us some kind of indication of if we are nearly at the end or should be preparing ourselves for anything. Kara's torch shines up the roof for a bit, and I can't help but look up with it as we go along.

I'm about to give up, when her arms shoots out to stop me and she turns our lights off.

"What-" I start and she shushes me.

"Look, there's light up there." She whispers.

Kara is right. The soft orange glow from the other end gets us both a little excited and moving on, we're more cautious than we had been. There shouldn't be anyone down here from the signage out front and as we get closer, the feeling of something or someone with my kind of powers intensifies. The air seems to leave us as we get closer to the turn where the light is. The passage continues on in darkness, but clearly this is either a sign or a warning to now turn. A petrol, oil smell grows as we head in and the short corridor opens into the kind of room I was expecting to find down here.

Two large torches burn in each far corner of the room; clearly where the light was coming from. The flames look artificial, perfect and straight as if someone had drawn them on. The same rock covers the walls in here and we both take a deep breath as air doesn't seem to be in short supply in this room as it was out there. Kara and I take a different side of the room, the large golden tomb in the middle of the room acting as a divide before we meet up on the other side. Nearing a torch, it doesn't give off any heat either and before I reach out to touch it, Kara nudges me.

"Look at this," she moves to back wall, turning her head slightly before rubbing her hand over something. "It's definitely a portal. The shape and placing is obvious. The magic is strongest here, you can feel it radiating from the wall."

The symbols are silver, either faded or just badly drawn on and otherwise invisible from face on. Turning to the side, I leaned in closer, unable to work out what they actually are.

"There's more though." I tell her, daring to put my face against the wall to see the engravings all over it.

Running my hand over them, the others can be felt whereas these possible portal ones can't. Pressing a little harder, it begins to rub off. Kara puts her hand in the centre, frowning.

"It's been used recently. I can feel it."

"Me too. But by who or what and why?"

It's then the flames flicker, dancing as if a window had just been opened before going out. Instantly we're back to back, weapons raised. The scratching of claws sends a shiver down our spines and the petrol smell intensifies as the flames reignite to reveal we are no longer alone. A black shadow flies from corner to corner across the roof and for a second I wonder if it is one of the shadow demons the Kasha like to use only whatever this was gave off a completely different energy. The shadow slid down the wall near our exit, a smokey trail following as it became more solid to take on a slightly human shape.

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