9th August 2014

590 69 6

Dear iBob,

It feels good to be back to normal.




Who am I kidding. What even is normal anymore?

Here is my schedule for tomorrow:

- breakfast with Raya, Keiran &  Olivia 9AM

 - Penny  12PM - 4PM
(bridesmaid dress fitting, shoe shopping, girl time)

-  dinner with my parents 6PM

- meeting with Paul  8PM

- check in with Ailin 11PM

I've got the next like, three weeks packed like this. It's been non-stop back to Elise's life and then some since we got back. If it's not keeping Mum happy with frequent dinner visits (I really need to bring back the once a month thing) I'm trying to keep Bride-zilla in control, since Raya is now dealing with morning sickness (Yay! She's making me a new Olivia) and she hasn't told Penny yet as she wants Penny to have her moment.

Kara has come back once, Meghan isn't talking to me, and Eric is Eric thankfully. Dorian is keeping as much distance as he can between us - also why I think Meghan hates me from the impression I got from Eric. If he stops talking to me I'll be screwed. I've come to rely on them too much, on the Valkyrie and Kara. They had come my safe place, my biggest support. There was no watching what I said, or hiding what I did or even needing to be careful with powers around them. I was me with them.

Everyone else gets the old Elise.

Its exhausting.

Those few weeks away made me forgot what it felt like.

Cain tags along with the Council stuff, and Ailin has finally stopped looking at him like he's about grow a second head and breath fire. I was away too long. Their magic reserves are low. Everyone is exhausted and nearly completely tapped out and things have slipped, not as bad as they did before when those vampires decided to become public knowledge, but close. Conspiracy channels are popping up on YouTube quicker than they can be removed or glossed over. There's a new discovery channel called Unknown and its literally just docos after docos on all the myths and legends we fight to keep hidden from the real world. Civilians are starting to wake up, and I don't know if me being back is too little too late with the Treaty. 

Cain assures me it'll work out. 

He should know right? 

My gut is telling me otherwise...

Speaking of, its nearly midnight so he should be back soon after going with Ailin to meet with a coven she had defending all the Academy's. I hung out with Jordan and our snakes, which was nice and a moment of calm I've been longing for and it only gets better as tonight, Cain's staying over.

We're taking things, slow well, at our own pace. It's just hard to work that out with so many others demanding our time. I've never been so dedicated to keeping a planner so close and up to date. I'm hardly even late to appointments these days. 

Maybe its a sign of my evolving maturity or even I'm a little scared of Penny these days haha!!

Elise Bunting
(planner queen)

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