23rd June 2014

624 71 3

Dinner Rolls

(enough for five)

Peanut Butter
Flour - Self Raising
Tortilla Chips
Salsa - Medium

Plain Greek Yoghurt
Low-Fat Strawberry Yoghurt
Chocolate Custard

Sorry Bob, was on the phone to Mum and had no pen handy.


I am exhausted. The last eight hours have been a new form of hell that make me consider going to the actual hell because it can't be this bad.

[X]  Survived two awkward encounters with Apollo including him now thinking Eric and I are a thing. (jealously still one his winning personality traits)

[X] Took on four Valkyrie without the use of my powers

[X] Went up against Deimos and Artemis with powers

[X] Ate some of Penny's cooking for lunch (survived)

[X] Manged to work with Apollo and take on Dorian, Deimos and I think all the Valkyrie cause there was way too many of them

[X] Had coffee with Raya and got the lowdown on everything that's been going on with her and not feeling so bad about being a shit friend lately with all that's been happening. She's so amazing, and I know she is going to be ok.

Despite how tired I am now, I am feeling pretty damn good. Training keeps me busy, keeps my mind focused and honestly, I have missed having the twins around. If not for the constant digs about Eric, I wouldn't deny enjoying having Apollo back if you were to ask me how I feel about it. 

Sometimes it's like time hasn't passed at all and-

Mums calling again. How many times do you think I can ignore it before she works out i'm avoiding her?

Elise Bunting.
(Back In The Game)

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