Chapter 29

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Noises from where everyone was still fighting got louder and taking a deep breath, we parted. I start in that direction with Cain's hand in mine only we don't make it far as we were stopped by our first obstacle. Turns out it didn't matter, as the Berserkers parted for us without even needing to say a word to them. They could end this in a second, so could I and as I found Genzo, I found my target. Lifting my free hand up, I was completely done with all of this only before I could do anything, Cain interrupted.

"What do you think will happen now?"

I looked up at Alfie as he moved beside me, that tension and anger from earlier radiating off him in waves. He was hot, I could feel the heat despite the meter or so of distance between us and as he glanced down at me, I didn't see my Alfie. It was a later problem, right now there was still one last battle taking place way over its time.

"I don't know, but right now I'm going to make that blue asshole regret the day he was born," I answer simply.

He shook his head. "It's not that simple. Those people down there, you said they were with you, whatever you decided. Look at them now. "

"Yeah, because Genzo chose to-"

"No. It's because of me," he sighed, letting my hand go as he turned away mumbling slightly. "I've been thinking about it. A lot actually. It makes sense, and well, it's not like I didn't know it was coming."

"What are you talking about? Just let me end him, and this is over."

"Elise, you're never one to just go in for the kill. Listen to yourself."

"Thinking I am who I used to be would be a mistake," I warn, unable to stop myself from getting defensive as he comes closer.

"I don't disagree. You are not the girl you used to be, but you are still very much you." His hand reached up as if he was about to touch my face, yet he snapped it back just as swiftly. "You've grown to be more than even I expected. These powers demand a lot from us and I never doubted you wouldn't be able to handle it, but you are still so young and have so much more to learn."

"This has nothing to do with my powers. I gave him an opportunity to change his mind. He didn't and now I will stop him. He's making this last longer than it has to be, he's just a demon with a-"

I don't get to finish as he shakes his head.

"Oh, so you have become like the rest of us, just use your powers to get those lesser than you to do what you want? What about the next person to go against your wishes, will they feel your wrath too? I'm sure you will give them a chance to change their mind, at least the first few times until you decide to quit wasting time." He snapped, narrowing his eyes as he moved back towards us.

"No, that isn't what I meant. You're, that isn't," I start, trying to work out exactly what was wrong with what he said when he was making a point - good or bad I wasn't sure.

The anger that came with him daring to even challenge any choices I was making right now didn't manage to last, because I knew I'd done more than I'd be okay with any other time. The path of destruction I left to get here was more than evidence of that. Instantly I felt the power receding, only not like before. It wouldn't be caged again, and it settled in the back of mind on its own terms now. I looked at Alfie and sighed, unable to process everything. The moment of peace I'd felt vanished and with Moody McMoodster over there not helping, I turned away to find Genzo; it didn't matter what moral debate I wanted to have right now, he was still an issue.

Instead, I found a new situation below us. The fighting had eased, Genzo's shouting was a distant roar and as he attempted to motivate those around him, it did little to urge his soldiers on. One by one, they all began to lower their weapons and surrender. The Valkyries were already celebrating their victory. Hades' own zombie warriors had disappeared, and seeing him now, he stood with Deimos and Kara while Artemis moved to join them.

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