1st April 2014

934 91 7

I stopped by the river to see Alfie today, but he wasn't really in the mood for much apart from silence and no contact. I hope he gets back to himself soon, but he's hurting.  I get it. The last few months have just flown by and it's nice to have had the time to recover, process and move on from well - everything, with no other dramas. Alfie is clearly in the middle of his own thing, and so long as I keep checking on him and he knows that I'm here for him, I'm sure he'll emerge when he's ready....

Well I hope so anyway Bob, not sure what I'd do otherwise. Odin's attack really shook him, and while his injuries have healed, not all of him has. Time. Time is all it takes, and we have plenty of it. I left him a stash of his fav cola too, so hopefully that'll give him a bit of a boost. 

Anyway, I have places to go and things to possibly steal. Tomb Raider Ken has got me with those bloody scrolls and since my easiest option involves using my powers - which I am not doing around my mortal friends these days (well as little as I have to) because you know how sensitive and freaked out they all get about it - I'm not inviting anyone along with me. 

Breaking in is fine and all, but why do it when I can just 'tada - here i am' no effort required?

Wish me luck.

Elise Bunting
(Your Friendly Neighbourhood Thief)

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