Chapter 6

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Sitting on the old sofa, that was old and not in a good vintage way, in a basic hotel room, with a giant, blue oni demon spread out on the bed behind the small dividing bookcase, wasn't how I had planned for my morning to be spent. Even more so considering the events from the night before and the lunch date I was contemplating skipping with my ex and his fiance. Sending my iPad back home, I didn't attempt to stay silent as I went to open the paper bag that took its place in my lap. The foot I could see sticking out over the edge of the bed twitched, clawed toes stretching slightly before a growl was heard.

A few seconds later and the blue ogre like creature appeared, thankfully with the bed sheet wrapped around his waist. His eyes narrowed in on me before a quick scan of the room followed, and as his shoulders slumped slightly, I almost took offense he wasn't more alarmed at my being there.

"You know, I really thought you'd be more of a Ritz kind of guy. This well, shared shower down the hall, and what is that smell? Is it you or this room?"

"Why are you here?" He snarled.

"Do you still have company? I'd hate to be a bother and interrupt your morning plans." I glance behind him, causing even more growls to erupt. "Though, this look you got going on now may be a little hard to explain."

I take a small handful of roasted soybeans from the bag and happily munch on them. If Genzo doesn't snap soon, I would be very surprised. His nose quivers, and his bulk sways backwards yet he doesn't step away.

"Did you want some?" I offer the open bag to him, but he doesn't flinch.

"Why are you here?"

"How did you know I'd be in town last night. That whole setup was nicely done, I'll give you that. I want to-"

"I didn't." He frowned slightly before an undeniable smirk appeared. "Perhaps I am doing myself a discredit but admitting it was no setup. I have a friend that suggested I may be able to benefit from this humans paintings. He was marketed to me as a Seer, so naturally I have been paying him for his time, keeping him close. It seems investment may be about to reward me in a way I hadn't anticipated."

"How long has this been going on for?" My stomach sank as we both realised how in the dark I actually was.

"Months perhaps. A year? Perhaps if you were to-"

"How are you crossing the realms? Ailin told me you'd be unable to come back." Genzo may hold all the cards right now, but I was hoping his ego and apparent change in fortune would be his downfall.

Another realisation was that I had no way to actually stop anyone from crossing the realms. I wasn't Hermes or in possession of any kind of magic that would make it possible for me to do what he does in opening and closing them at will or otherwise. Even seeing Paytah, I don't think I'd actually used the same way in and out more than once. The links to each world were indefinite. I couldn't monitor or even destroy them all.

"There are other ways. I told you before, I quite like this world and for good reason. I have comrades already established here, even a few of those mortals that see it of use to worship my kind."

Genzo's words only established I was right. He had been coming and going and we had no idea.

"I think you undersold your, I like McDonalds and Beiber haircut cover." Stupid blue bastard. "Well, how about this? Leave now, and I won't throw these beans at you?"

"I will share the Seer with you, and you may do as you wish with whatever knowledge gained from his visions. In turn, you will ensure that his next one is of you God Killer, leading my people to victory. Or I kill him, his female and destroy his prophecies." Genzo finished firmly.

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