Chapter 30

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The bangs woke me up with a fright. Four steady explosions that ended with a pop, and had me out of bed before my eyes managed to open. Disorientated, with my anxiety, instantly peaking I felt the first tug of chest pain as my mouth went dry. Stumbling to the window, my legs ached with a cramp hitting my calf and taking what breath I was already fighting to keep as it spread through my whole leg.

More explosions.

I expected Hades or Kara to come rushing in at any second, and what a sight I would be. The God Killer, the unofficial next Queen of Olympus, suffocating with a panic attack and crippled by a muscle cramp. After a minute with no one around to witness my less proudest moment, I managed to get enough control back to open the window and the sight took my breath away all over again.

We were not under attack. There was no new wave of some remote army attempting to destroy Hades little hideout while I finally got to take a nap. It wasn't even a group of townsfolk coming this way with their pitchforks and canons, if they even had those, after deciding someone who has an alter-ego with the name Killer in it, may not be great Queen material after all.

It was fireworks.

Colours I had never imagined lit up the sky, their popping bang echoing up to us from the town below. I must have been out longer than I thought, what had only felt like a few minutes had clearly been a few hours with the return of the night. The main castle and region were lit up just as spectacularly, neon colours altered the appearance of buildings, gardens and pathways. The town was much the same and it was from somewhere in between the two that the fireworks were being set free from. I had never seen anything so beautiful.

Hobbling back to the bed, I dropped down and nearly fell back asleep. The thought of facing everyone already left what rest I had vanished, and there was just so much to do but I was so damn tired. I'd come here to hide, and avoid everyone for that very reason.

Joining Ares and Athena made sense at the time, checking on our soldiers and the town now the battle was over had been a priority. We sent the Berserkers back to their world with help from Hermes, the Valkyrie were now home too. The Warfield had been sent back out to the sea until they'd next be needed; something that amazed and terrified me much the same. Everyone was looked after as best they could be and it appeared the celebrations had already begun.

Looking around the basic, stonewalled room, I spotted the table and water. The glass was in my hand without needing to move and as I slowly woke up now, cramp and panic attack over, the gnawing ache in my belly roared to life instead of with the water gone too quick. When had I even eaten last?

Holding out my hand, the small portion of Pomegranate from Hecate I had kept appeared. It looked the same, smelt the same, and so I took my chances, finishing it off. Like before, it began to work instantly just with nowhere near the same potency. Thankfully it made the few hours of sleep feel like I had a lot longer a lot more as it removed the foggy haze around my brain. Stretching, I didn't even feel so sore now and no other little niggles decided to bother me either.

I made it downstairs and into the kitchen without seeing anyone. Food was out and still warm so I helped myself and followed the sound of music to the balcony outside I'd sat with Hades on what felt like months ago. Kara was curled up in one of the oversized chairs, her eyes closed and a peaceful look on her face. Two plates and wine glasses sat beside her on the table so I took the other chair away from there and let her sleep.

"You're awake." Deimos came out as I finished eating, surprise turning into his usual straight face. "Are you well?"

"I am. You?" I ask.

"Tired, a little sore. Nothing some rest won't fix." He shrugged, choosing to lean against the railings by me rather than sit. "We don't know each other well, you may even be doubtful of my intentions. My, history, and that of my brother-"

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