3. Exhaustion

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Maddie lay in the bed the following morning, overplaying everything in her with what happened yesterday, still not believing that her dad kicked her out and her mom allowed him to do it.

A gentle knock brought her out of her thoughts when her sister poked her head around the door.

"Hey kiddo, I didn't know if you would be awake yet or not. Did you sleep alright?" Maya asked, she was in her gym gear having just gotten back from a run.

"I couldn't sleep after yesterday. Everything feels so fresh in my mind still," Maddie said as she sat up in bed looking exhausted. Maya sighed and stepped further into the teenagers bedroom to take a seat on the end of her bed.

"I know it's hard kiddo, but don't worry you're here with us now and we've got you Mads!" Maya reassured the teenager.

"I don't get it, I don't understand why he can't just accept me for who I am," Maddie mumbled as Maya pulled her sister into her arms and Maddie leaned into her sisters warm embrace. "Why doesn't he accept me Maya?" Maddie asked quietly, the tears that were brimming in her eyes, now escaped and rolling down her cheeks.

"Sweetheart our dad is uh, well he can be a very difficult man sometimes, he doesn't understand a lot of things and he didn't know to react. I know that isn't a reason to kick you out though and it doesn't make it okay because you're just a kid," Maya said as she smoothed her the teenagers' blonde hair out of her face, "But you have both me and Carina now, as well as the whole team at the station and trust me, they will love you as well. You've got us now. You never know Dad might come around to the idea soon," Maya said, she knew her dad wasn't an easy man to deal with, but she hoped that he would come around to it soon.

"You think so?" Maddie asked smiling softly.

"I know so," Maya agreed. Maddie looked at her sister and scrunched her face up, realizing that her sister was covered in sweat.

"Ew, why are you so sweaty?" Maddie asked realizing her sister was drenched in sweat.

"I've just gotten back from a run," Maya chuckled. "I thought I would check in on you before I got ready for work, are you sure you want to go to school today if you haven't slept?" Maya said as she moved of her sisters bed.

"I want to go," Maddie said. Maya raised her eyebrow but sighed and nodded.

"Okay then you should get up and get ready for school. Carina's making you breakfast, she thought you might want to try her famous french toast," Maya said in effort that it might cheer little sister up who looked pretty upset and exhausted.

"Now that is something that I want to try," Maddie said as she eagerly threw back the covers.

"I was hoping that would cheer you up. I'll leave you to get dressed so just come out when you're ready kiddo," Maya said leaving the teenagers bedroom.

"Did you wake Maddie up?" Carina asked when Maya walked into the kitchen after leaving Maddie's bedroom. Maya moved over to wrap her arms around her girlfriends torso and leave trails of kisses down her neck while Carina plated up the french toast and decorated it with berries.

"I didn't have too, she was already awake. In fact she told me that she hasn't even slept at all." Maya said with a sigh.

"Oh no, do you think that it's wise to let her go into school today?" Carina wondered as she frowned a little.

"Well I did offer her to take the day off but she seems eager to go into school so I can't really stop her doing that," Maya said as she moved over to the counter to make herself a smoothie, "She was so upset this morning, it broke my heart to see her like that. I really thought that I was doing the right thing protecting her." Maya said.

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