47. Turmoil

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"Help! You need to help me!" The woman yelled as she ran over to the fire truck that arrived outside the house.

Maddox jumped out of the truck and adjusted his helmet on his head. "Hi, Ma'am. My name is Lieutenant Maddox. Can you tell me what's happened? Are you hurt?" He asked.

The woman shook her head as she still had her daughter in her arms. "No, I'm fine..." she said and pointed over to Maddie who was lay unconscious on the floor. "It's the teenage girl, she ran inside and rescued my daughter, she came back outside and she seemed fine, but she just collapsed and is now unconscious," she explained.

"Okay, don't worry we've got her," Maddox said as he saw the girl on the floor. "Is your daughter okay, ma'am?" He asked.

"Yeah, my daughters fine. Just please, help the girl out!" The women insisted in a panic.

"Don't worry we'll help her," Maddox reassured the women and looked at the team. "Guys we're gonna need a gurney over here, we've got a girl lay unconscious!" He yelled out.

Ruiz grabbed the gurney out of the aid car and headed over to Maddie on the floor, he gasped in shock and looked back at Maddox.

"What is it?" Maddox asked confused.

"Oh, man... Maddox, that's not just any kid," Ruiz said.

Maddox furrowed his brows further in confusion. "What, who is it?" He asked.

"It's Cap- Lieutenant Bishops' kid... Herrera, over here, quick!" Ruiz explained briefly and yelled over to Andy who was near the truck.

Andy heard her name called and headed over to the two male firefighters. "Ruiz, what's the problem," she questioned, not in the mood for any bullshit today and then gasped when she saw Maddie lay on the floor. "Oh my God, Ma-Maddie! What happened?!" she questioned.

"Apparently, she ran inside the house to rescue the kid and then collapsed on the ground outside," Maddox explained as he and Ruiz loaded Maddie onto the gurney.

"Damn it! We need to get her to Grey-Sloan, right now! Ruiz, let's go!" Andy said, taking over Maddox and rushing her back towards the aid car.

"On it, Herrera!" Ruiz responded.

Captain Aquino spotted Andy loading Maddie into the aid car and hopping in with her. "Woah, Herrera, where are you going? We still need to put the fire out. Leave the kid with Ruiz and Maddox, I need you to tackle the fire lieutenant!" He said firmly.

Andy sighed and looked at her new Captain. "All due respect Captain but 'that' kid you are on about is the closest thing I have to a niece," she told the man. "I don't trust Maddox's capability to take care of her as I'm sure you know who her mother is right? Please, Captain, she needs me right now, please?" she pleaded with her captain.

Aquino sighed and nodded. "Very well Herrera, go ahead!" He agreed.

"Thank you, Captain Aquino!" Andy said as she slammed the door of the aid car shut. "Ruiz, let's go!" She ordered in a panic.

"We're ten minutes out, Herrera," Ruiz called from the front of the aid car as he drove through the traffic as fast as he could. "How's she holding up back there?"

"She's unresponsive. I need to intubate, she's not able to breathe on your own..." Andy mumbled as she worked on her niece, she knew it probably wasn't best to do that, but she didn't trust any of the others yet and Ruiz was driving the aid car. "We've got you Mija. Don't worry you're going to be okay," she looked down and told the teenager who was still lay unconscious, but there was a pulse, nevertheless.

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